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You sat on your throne, BB-9E rolling at your feet. It had been a long morning; you'd impatiently been waiting for Kylo, who informed you that he had a few things to wrap up before he took it slow with you over the next couple of days.

You knew it was difficult for him to agree to approach the war gently and slowly. He wanted it to over. He wanted his past erased and people to fear him rather than look at him as a Skywalker or Solo. He wanted to have control of the galaxy.

"Count this break from doing what you usually do as a command," you'd said early this morning, "a command from your Supreme Leader. You have a very important job."

He was only amused by this; but agreed to your command.

"If you would stop pacing, BB-9E, then you and I could finally know some peace and quiet." He beeped. "What? Did that offend you? Well, I'm not going to apologize. You're noisy! And you will soon wish you had this peace and quiet when you're helping me fly my spacecraft. I need assistance with it."

He beeped several times, rolling right up to your feet. He nudged your boot and you smiled, shaking your head.

"You complain more than anyone else I have ever met. You are equally as bad as Hux, may I say-

Then you felt something around you. You felt someone around you.

A rush of cold suddenly rushed over your skin. Then the room fell silent. You lifted your head up slowly, listening intently.

Was someone attacking the base? Were you about to get a vision through the Force? What was happening? 



That wasn't it.

Someone was here.

You turned your head to the left - there was nothing but the familiar red wall. 

You turned your head to the right - there was the red wall, and there was a girl. A tall girl with brown hair pulled up into three buns at the back of her head. She was a stranger, but she was also familiar.

And sitting on a bench on the opposite side of the room, she sat, her hands on either side of her. She looked just as frightened as you did as she took in your appearance. Slowly, you stood from your throne, drapes of ebony falling around you. 

"Who are you?" you asked her. Suddenly, your eyes widened with realization. "Are you the scavenger? The Jedi girl?" 

She opened her lips as if to answer, but she was interrupted by a hissing sound to her left. With a start, she saw Kylo Ren step into the room that she was standing in. You could feel the fear flash inside of her, as well as a strong sense of hate. As if it was a reflex, she grabbed her blaster and aimed right for his heart. 

The shout of, "Kylo, no!" tore through your throat. 

Your husband turned, saw her, and she fired in the same moment. He jumped backwards, hitting the wall-

But then she was gone, and there was no wound on his chest. He patted down his shirt and lifted his hand, searching for blood. There was none. 

You stared at him with wide, terrified eyes before rushing across the throne room to him. He stood up and you placed a hand on his back and on his stomach. 

"Maker, Kylo - you're okay," you breathed, your heart nearly busting out of your chest. "You're okay."

"I'm okay," he said, reassuring you. "It wasn't... it wasn't real."

You stared at him. "But Commander, she was real. I felt her. I saw her. Didn't you?" 

"I did," he admitted. "I didn't feel her, but I saw her." His eyes narrowed. "You felt her?" 

"I did," you said, nodding. Then, you stopped. "I do."

"You do?" 

"Yes," you whispered.

You moved away from him and stepped out of the doors. Slowly and carefully, you walked out into the hall. You looked one way, and there was nothing. But when you turned-

There she was. 

Kylo tried to follow you out the door. You held a hand up, making him freeze in his place.

"Who are you and why are you with Kylo Ren?" she asked, voice loud and demanding. 

You held up your hand. "You will bring Luke Skywalker to us," you said, trying to control her. But it was clear by the same look of anger in her eyes that she had not been phased. You lowered your hand. "How are you doing this? No, you couldn't do this. I couldn't even do this. It would certainly kill you. You aren't trained." 

"I'm not doing anything," she said. "Stop rambling and tell me why you are with Kylo Ren - or else." She held up the blaster and pointed it at you.

"I don't think that'll work," you said simply. 

She took in a deep breath. "We will see."

You looked around yourself. "Hm. Are you able to see where I am?" you asked. "I can't see where you are."

"Answer my question," she said. "Or I swear, I will-"

"What is threatening me with that thing going to do?" you asked. A noise above her made your eyes shift upward. They widened as you saw the old man that you and your husband had been looking for. You whispered, "Luke."

She turned to look, and then she was gone. 

You blinked. Dizzy and dazed, you turned to Kylo.  He approached you slowly. 

"Is she gone?" he asked. 

"I saw him," you said. "Kylo - I saw Luke. She's with him just like you said." You shook your head and your voice dropped to a whisper. "I was here, but I was also there. I felt... I felt my soul being stretched and split - like it was split to be half with her. What was that? What is happening to me?" 

"I don't know," he admitted. "I've never seen this before."

You looked up at him, a wrinkle of concern on your forehead. Panic set in your chest and, as you struggled to breathe, you said, "I'm scared." Your voice was softer than a whisper. 

CRIMSON PATH [KYLO REN X READER] BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now