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"While you've been spending your time doing who knows what, we have been cracking down on the Resistance. We've killed a large majority of them and are nearing the end. This is all that is left of them - well, all that is left and still willing to fight." 

Ignoring Hux's jab at you and Kylo, you nodded. Littered across the black were pods. On each pod, members of the Resistance. They had escaped their own ship, leaving it to remain in space forever while they fled like cowards. 

But even while staring at this perfect opportunity, with hundreds of Hux's troops prepared to flip the switch and fire, you hesitated. 

Because all you could think about-

All that burned in your mind-

All that you could focus on-

Was killing Luke Skywalker. 

You realized now the severity of your thoughts. Every waking moment, you dreamed of the moment he finally died. Every time you looked at your husband, you thought of standing by his side to kill his uncle. 

It fueled you. Hate, fear, anger- 

It was all you were. 

Staring at a fleet of Resistance transports through the viewport, you turned around and lifted your dress above your feet. 

"They're fleeing right before us, like we aren't watching," you said. "Let's kill them now."

"They are all lined up, ready for their slaughter," Hux added. He smiled. "It appears this fight was easier than we previously assumed."

"Appears they've run out of options," you said.

"Appears so," Hux said, nodding to himself.

You looked at Kylo and approach him. Your voice dropped to a whisper as you said, "The sooner we kill them, the sooner we get to Luke. Then we can be free."

"What do you propose we do?" he asked. 

"What do you propose?"

"One of us should lead a smaller fleet to take out the pods that may escape. One stays here to command the ship."

"Okay," you said. "That's a good plan." 

"You go," he urged. He didn't say it, but you knew that he knew his mother was on one of those pods. 

"Kylo." You grabbed his arm and squeezed it. "Are you sure that will be okay if I do? You know she is on there. You feel her right there."

"Yes." He swallowed, and nodded. "I know. But I have to let the past die and know that you are my family now. You're all I need."

You smiled. "I love you," you whispered. 

He mouthed it back, his features soft and sad, but full of adoration as he stared at you.

You turned towards the officers, who were waiting for your command. "Prepare my ship," you said. "And prepare a fleet to follow me. I'll lead. We will take out the pods one by one if they attempt to escape."

"Yes, Supreme Leader. You heard her command! Move, now. Move!"

They started to prepare your ship; previously Snoke's emergency-escape spacecraft. You boarded it and started everything up.

"General Hux, can you hear me?" you asked. 

"We hear you, Supreme Leader." 

"Excellent. Ready yourselves, officers." You sat back in your seat and sucked in a deep, calming breath before you took off into the black, white-dotted vast of space, a new and small fleet of TIE Fighters traveling behind you. 

You neared the pods and stopped at a safe distance from them. 

"Preparing to fire, General."

You could practically hear his smile. "Bombs away, Supreme Leader."

You flipped a few switches, warming up the explosives your ship carried. "On my command, officers. Are you ready? Three... two... one..." Your eyes fixated on one of the ships. A figure stared at you from it. 

General Leia Organa.

Your heart broke, just a little, for the sake of your husband. Your husband, who she sent away to train with Luke because she feared he would be too much like his grandfather. Her son, who she neglected when he needed her most. 

She stared at you and blinked slowly, almost as if she knew you, but couldn't place you. 

"Fire," you breathed, power and determination in your voice. 

On your command, you fired at the small Resistance pods that attempted to flee.  In your wake, the fleet behind you did the same. 

Pod after pod exploded in a ball of flames. 

"Keep going," you said, "let's take our time so we don't cause any mishaps. This can be smooth and slow. We'll kill them all." 

In your concentration, you did not see the large, seemingly abandoned ship began to turn.

The movement made your head turn. You stared at it.

Your eyes widened and your heart dropped. 

"Kylo," you said, your voice full of fear and dread. 

On the ship, he stiffened, feeling you call to him at the same time your voice broke over the communicator. He looked where he knew that you were looking. He realized at the same time you did.

"Kylo, it's going to jump to lightspeed. Move!" you shouted. 

His eyes widened. He looked at Hux, who, also full of sudden fear, screamed out, "All canons fire on that cruiser!" 

It was too late. It was too late. It was too late. 

Your heart was in your throat. 

It was too late.

"Kylo-!" you screamed. 

With the brightest shot of white and blue and the loudest boom of silence there ever was, you watched the Resistance ship slice right through the First Order ship. A ball of fire consumed the middle of the ship, and your fear grew inside of you as you witnessed the horror. The wave of energy sliced through space itself. Your own spacecraft was blown backwards in the debris of the ships around you.

Your surroundings were jumbled in your head as you spun out of control.  

You collided with something, and your head slammed to the side, hitting the cold metal and knocking you unconscious for the second time that day. 

/ / /

It felt like three seconds later you were being pulled from your ship. You felt rough hands pull on you from under your armpits. You grunted as you were tossed onto a hard floor carelessly. A cold sensation made you aware of your wrists, which were now locked together. And when your eyes opened, everything was blurry, and you saw someone standing over you. 

Her eyes were like Kylo's.

CRIMSON PATH [KYLO REN X READER] BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now