Chapter 1

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'TROYE' Connor typed frantically for what felt like the fiftieth time. He sent a bunch of exclamation marks for emphasis, before slamming the laptop shut on his DM's and fighting back panic. The city of Sydney was spread out before him, stretching off until it disappeared into the horizon. Focused on the beautiful view, Connor tried his best to ignore the panic he could feel building up in his chest as the airport grew closer and closer. It was no use- less than a minute later he harshly snapped the laptop open again to check his DM's. Still no reply. As he let out a loud, dramatic sigh, he noticed the passenger sitting next to him give him a bit of a glare.
Ignoring the old man, he clenched his fingers into fists to try dispense some of his nervous energy.

'Somethingcan only be a surprise for so long, at some point you have to not be surprised anymore. Now would be a good time!' Connor typed pointedly, already knowing it was hopeless. Troye wouldn't get the message before the plane came in to land, and no one would be there to help him navigate the unfamiliar airport which he could see approaching rapidly now. Normally he adored airplanes and the feeling of being above the clouds, but today Connor's thoughts were dominated by the fact that he was about to land in a massive  airport with no one to meet him.

As he stepped off the runway and into the terminal, he was struck by the noises. Loud passengers' shouts echoed around serious telephone calls and screaming children, overshadowed by never I ending music and announcements. Following the other passengers to the baggage claim on autopilot, he pulled out his phone and dialled Troye's number. 'Con!' He heard Troye answer, and he breathed out in relief. Finally. 'What's up?' Troye asked

Connor found himself suddenly shy. 'I, um, I decided to come visit you in Sydney, and it was supposed to be a surprise but then you never checked your DM's and now I'm sort of stranded and I might be kind of lost-' he said in a rush while doing his best to navigate through the crowds, trying desperately to keep the others from his flight in sight. 'Con, calm down!' He heard Troye reply. 'I'll come right away- but, uh, we kind of went on a family outing. I might be a while,' he admitted sheepishly.
Connor felt his stomach drop. 'How long is a while?' He asked, fighting to keep his voice level. 'Um, say, an hour?' Troye asked.
'Troye!' He shouted, earning himself a few stares from strangers. 'Troye,' he repeated more quietly, 'I have absolutely no idea where I am, and-' he glanced up and realised that he'd lost sight of the others. 'Goddammit,' Connor cursed, 'I have no idea how to get to the baggage claim or anything.' He could hear his voice increasing in pitch and he fought to keep calm. 'And the people are so scary,' he hissed, 'they all look like they want to kidnap me, or murder me, or something-'

Connor was cut off as a hand clamped down on his shoulder. He jumped three feet in the air, wrenching away from the unfamiliar hand and turning around, only to see Troye holding back laughter. 'Con da bon! Surprise!' He grinned smugly. 'No one one-ups me when it comes to surprises.'

'I have never been more relieved to see another human being in my life,' Connor told him honestly, feeling the tension seep from his body. He pulled Troye in for a hug, closing his eyes and falling into the embrace in relief. He wasn't sure how long the hug lasted, but he pulled back at last at the pointed throat-clearing of an old lady. 'Homosexuals these days,' she muttered, 'no shame.' Shrugging it off with a grin, he turned to Troye to share the joke, but he was looking after the woman worriedly.
'Hey,' Connor told him firmly, 'it's okay, she's just some old bat. She doesn't know you, right?'

Troye nodded weakly and Connor decided to change the subject. 'So I thought you were an hour away?' He asked. A smug gleam returned to Troye's  eyes as he started walking again. Connor fell into step beside him as Troye replied innocently, 'No, I got all your messages.' Connor shoved him lightly.
'You're such a bully, I thought I was going to die in here without ever finding the exit.'
'A bully I may be, but I'm a bully who knows where the baggage claim is,' Troye responded cheekily.

'Okay, you can stay. For now.' Connor warned. Troye turned to smile at him and as his eyes met Troye's he felt suddenly and unexpectedly warm, feeling his cheeks turn slightly pink. Then he looked away and the feeling was gone. He shrugged it off as he grabbed his suitcase, but the memory of it still lingered in the back of his mind. It wasn't a bad feeling, definitely not, just different. He'd certainly never felt that strange warmth all over, like being dunked in hot water on a cold day, and he wasn't sure what had caused it. He resolved to think on it later. 'Con!' called Troye, snapping him out of his thoughts. 'You look jetlagged,' he commented and Connor sent him a wry grin, thanking him sarcastically. Troye pushed him gently in response as they stepped outside the terminal. 'Free at last,' Connor sighed, relieved, as he felt the cool spring air refreshing him. Troye helped load his suitcase into the nearest taxi and they slid into the cramped backseat. With the memory of the unfamiliar feeling fading quickly and sleep overcoming his mind like a tsunami, Connor collapsed into sleep.

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