Chapter 10

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Unsurprisingly, Troye was woken by Tyde making gag noises the next morning. He rolled away from Connor, who protested the loss of warmth by attempting to pull him back, and flipped off his younger brother.

Tyde, who was leaning against the doorway with a smirk plastered across his face, didn't seem fazed by Troye pulling the finger at him, instead making mocking cooing noises. 'Aw, you two are just the cutest,' he sighed, pretending to fan himself. 'I hate you so much,' Troye said, trying to keep his voice low so as not to wake Connor. That didn't stop him from chucking a pillow at Tyde with all the force he could muster, which honestly was not a significant amount. Tyde ducked easily and grinned at him again.

'What do you want?' Troye groaned, eager to get Tyde to leave. Tyde widened his eyes innocently. 'Why are you in such a bad mood?' He asked sweetly. 'I only came to tell you breakfast is ready.'
'We'll be there in five,' Troye told him, and stared pointedly at his brother, who made no attempt to leave. 'Goodbye,' he said, glaring daggers at the boy. 'I'll leave you two alone, then,' Tyde winked as he walked away.

Troye groaned, burrowing back under the covers. Connor's arm settled around his shoulders naturally as he asked Troye sleepily, 'Who was that?'
'My rat of a little brother, telling me we have to go get breakfast,' Troye said, already losing the slight motivation to get up as the warmth of the cocoon of blankets made him drowsy.

'Are we going to get breakfast?' Connor asked curiously as Troye made no attempt to get out of the bed, instead snuggling closer. 'Fuck no,' he whispered, and Connor burst out laughing as Troye's eyes slid closed. He looked down at the younger boy fondly, amazed at how quickly he fell asleep.

'Are you coming or what?' Demanded a voice from the hallway and Connor looked up in time to meet Tyde's eyes as he assessed the situation. 'Oh,' he said. Connor could imagine what a picture they made, with their limbs tangled together, and he felt a flush creep across his cheeks.

'I'll tell mum to save some pancakes for you, then,' Tyde said, seemingly unaffected, although his face was a little pink.
'Pancakes?' Troye's head popped up from behind the blankets. 'You never said there were pancakes,' he said to Tyde accusingly, shoving the blankets off and rolling off of the mattress.

Connor shivered as he was exposed to the early morning air, and was fully conscious Tyde had noticed they were both in their clothes from yesterday, although what that might mean escaped him.
'C'mon Con, we have to get some pancakes before Tyde and dad eat them all,' Troye said, tugging at his feet.

'Don't pull me off the mattress!' Connor protested, trying and failing to grab on to the headboard. Troye pulled mercilessly until Connor surrendered and let himself be pulled off the bed. 'I don't see why we have to get up for pancakes,' he complained, half joking and half wishing he could crawl back into the warm bed. Troye glared down at him, clearly offended. 'Pancakes,' he said, 'are the most important meal of the day.'

Without another word, he tugged Connor to his feet and linked their hands together, escorting him to the kitchen. Both tried their best to ignore Tyde, who followed them amiably enough, although he couldn't prevent himself from making 'aw' noises at their clasped hands.

The tiniest of tiny updates ik I'm so sorry but next chapter Troye and Connor get drunk and shit whoop
My tumblr is tronnortwinkies hmu (changed my url yolo) come talk to me ily
This chapter is literally just 'ashleigh feels bad she hasn't updated in so long so she writes one sentence' im so sorry omg

Hi Sydney (Tronnor)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن