What Could it Be?

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Cloudy floated around his Yoyle City home and thought about what he could "gollect" now. He had collected almost everything- almost. He sighed.
"My gollegdion iz mizzink zomedhink, pud... whad exagdly?"
(My collection is missing something, but… what exactly?)
He looked around.
"Well.. I hafen'd gollegdet.. woot.. or biez... or.. bengilz..."
(Well.. I haven't collected.. wood.. or pies… or.. pencils…)
He looked outside his window, at everyone moving around the city. He looked over at his "family", Woody, Nickel, Rocky, and of course, his "Boyvrient", Balloony.
"...pud I gnow where I gan zdard.~"
(…but I know where I can start.~)

the art i made for this is so bad........
but hey!!!!
i haven't made a serious story yet, so here!!!
so yeah
nothing interesting rn...
but i'll update frequently!!!

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