Perfectly Functional Family

612 5 19

Nickel woke up in the crisp, cold, winter morning. He was laid on top of his "brother", Woody, while Rocky was curled up near by. They were all laid out on the couch, which didn't give them much room, but they worked with what they had. Woody made a slight moan, before making a noise which told his (75%) copper brother to move off of him. Nickel reluctantly moved off, despite wanting to stay on and hear the noise again. Nickel liked Woody's noises.

Cloudy suddenly shook away his blanket, and floated over to his closet. He went over to Balloony's head and smiled at it for a uncomfortable moment. He suddenly turned away, putting a faux confused face, and floated over to the kitchen table, where he found Woody, Nickel, and Rocky already sitting at there. Woody looked uncomfortable, but trying to be happy as Nickel snuggled close to him. Nickel had always been pretty friendly, but he had taken a special liking to Woody. Ignoring the strange dynamic between the two young objects, he said, feigning concern,
"Hey, hafe you zeen Bahlloony arount anywhere? i gan'd zeem do vint him."
Woody's eyes widened as he remembered what he saw last night. He tried to feign confusion, but it was too late.
Cloudy had already noticed.

oh no
Woody finna die
also Nickel is an anime girl

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