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So, I told Nickel about his sexsomia, or as imtherealpocky put it, "sleep-fuck"ing, and this is basically what happened:
Me: Hey, Nickel.
Nickel: Oh, uh, what's up?
Me: You know what happened last night?
Nickel: Er.. no?
Me: First, you shoved a pillow into my face and attempted to, and almost did, penetrate your.. uh.. "member" into me.
Nickel: ..
Me: Then, you shoved your .."member".. in my mouth and... you started giving me a "hand"-job with.. your feet..
Nickel: You're kidding.. right? You know I wouldn't do that!
Me: ..I don't. I believe you have the condition 'sexsomia'.
Degenerate: Whatcha... what are you talking about? (Stern and threatening as hell.)
Me: ...Nickel raped me in his sleep.
Degenerate: Oh no! (He said this like he was concerned, but I'm pretty sure he was turned on.) Well, I'll put you in two different rooms, and lock both doors at night!
Me: ..Okay.
Honestly? He probably won't lock the doors. Maybe he'll put cameras in my room, and add that sick shit to his "spank bank". I don't fucking know anymore.
TB update: It was a pretty unfair trial, but he was found innocent. It was mostly because he said he was raped last night. He didn't remember anything about them, except they had a deepish voice. So, new suspects are:
..they're all innocent, of course. But why would they listen to me? I'm just some weird little barfing rock.

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