Oh, Jesus.

570 5 28

no art and also a bit of sin

Nickel laid a blanket over himself and a photo of Woody. Cloudy and Woody had gone a walk- or camping trip? It wasn't clear- and Rocky was hanging out with Grassy. He wasn't sure what happened to Balloony. Nickel moved the photo lower and closer to himself. He let out a soft moan. He knew Woody thought of him as a brother, but Nickel truly imagined a love life with the balsa slab. He moved the photo closer. He moaned, before pulling it back up and hugging it. He said, quietly to himself,
"Oh.. Jesus, how I wish that was real."

Woody walked through the forest with the puffy white cloud he had once considered a father figure. He was on the verge of having a panic attack; he knew Cloudy did not mean well. He had imagine Tennis Ball cuddling him, his fluff warming him, inside and out. Cloudy suddenly stopped in tracks. Woody squished back into himself; he knew this may very well be his demise.

Cloudy pulled out a knife from the small bag he had brought on this ‘innocent walk’. He turned around. Woody had his arms open and was crying already. Normally, he would have comforted Woody, using his fluffing to help him calm. But, this time, felt nothing. Well, not nothing. He felt a type of pleasure from the young objects misery and inevitable demise to his non-existent hands.

i am,,,,,, very sorry for this

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