Haha.. well...

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Cloudy "walked" around Yoyle City. Balloony walked bubbly aside him.
"So.. got anything more to collect, Cloudy?"
"I'fe kod..."(I've got…) Cloudy thought about telling his partner about his new plan for collections, but decided that he would be better off not saying anything.
"… I'fe kod quide allod do worg on gurrendly!"
(… I've got quite allot to work on currently!)
"Oh, really?" Balloony inquired. "Anything I can help with?"
Cloudy silently gulped. Should he really start with Balloony? He was one of the most important people in his life..
"Yes, actually. You can help me with something."

Balloony's in danger

Cloudy's Collection (BFB Horror)Where stories live. Discover now