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Cloudy dragged Balloony's body through the now dark streets. The corpse was followed by a dark trail, but Cloudy knew he would have a lot to clean up anyways. Cloudy gently set down his lover's lifeless body, before whispering under his breath, "Now who goult I b-..bi-" (Now who could I p-..pi-)
Cloudy went silent as the realization of what he had just done hit him like a train full of bricks. He had just murdered his bestfriend and true love.
He cut his head off clean, just for a collection.
That was, until he felt a wave of calm, and he let out a moanish giggle.
"Now who goult I bin dhiz on~?"
(Now who could I pin this on~?)

Donut quietly woke up to a dragging sound outside. Moving his soft blanket off of his body, he heard giggles and incoherent moans coming from Braceletey's room, where Ice Cube was staying the night. Donut smiled eternally, - of course, he couldn't really smile - he truly adored the other objects he had decided to take care of. Though, what were those moans? But for now, he couldn't think about that. He needed to figure out where that dragging sound was coming from. He looked outside his window, before realizing everything was too dark for him to see. But he wouldn't need to go to the source, as the source was about to come to him.

Oh Treesus, I'm sorry y'all

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