Oh.. Donut...

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Gelatin ran out of his room to check on Braceletey and Ice Cube. He was aware of their "activites", but this didn't sound like a love-making slam.
"Hey! Are you guys okay?!"
Ice Cube looked up, blushing a cold blue.
"Yeaah?" Braceletey looked up blushing so much you could barely make out her skin underneath.
She whispered out- which, to Braceletey, was a normal voice-
"It came from Donuts room, didn't it?" Gelatin sighed.
"Alright, I'll check." He walked in to the tan, simplistic room.

But instead of Donut sleepwalking, the cause of the sound was much worse.

On the floor, Donuts lifeless body, or, what was left of it, was laid. The body was cut up in many pieces, though some were missing. They jelly was laid in clumpy pools, somewhat resembling blood. The little lime jello remembered when the Cake at Stake cake had been Donuts body, chopped up. He closed the door and ran out, and yelled out to the girl he considered his sister and her lover.
"Guys!! We have to go!!" Braceletey tilted her "head", as she asked,
"Why?" Gelatin quickly decided that telling them was a bad idea.
"Uhh.. we just have to!!"

The three objects ran out of the house, which was now a crime scene.

and I oop-
donut is dead and you will never get your weird unholy ship

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