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As Cloudy floated through the door, he found no one in the living room or kitchen. He assumed Nickel and Rocky were in their room. But someone was in there. I was in there.
Right, it's pretty weird to swap from some all-knowing being to the stupid, cute little rock dude, isn't it? Unfortunately, seeing all that'd gone down around has led me to put the pieces together. The details are blurry, but from what I know, I can put everything into place. He's actually pretty good at hiding his tracks, y'know? Luckily, so am I. Sorry to whoever's phone I'm writing this on- though, the stuff you have here is weird- but it's for the greater good, alright? I did do pretty good job at acting like you, you gotta admit. Anyways, I'm rambling. I'll update you as I find out more. By the way, the weird shit was their stuff.

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