2 Kinds of Advances..

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"Juzd vollow me, Bahlloony!"
Cloudy led Balloony into a secluded room in their home.
"Uh… Cloudy? This… really… is, aha.. uhm, y'know.." Balloony said, blushing deeply.
"Oh, id'z alrikhd, Bahlloony! We aren'd koink do to dhad!"
(Oh, it's alright, Balloony! We aren't going to do that!)
Cloudy laughed. "Unlezz~?" Balloony's blush deepened to a dark, dark real.
"Oh- uh- erm- well..??"
Cloudy chuckled, floating over to him. "Well?" Balloony eternally screamed.
Cloudy cut him off with a kiss. Balloony's blush was practically black now. Cloudy pulled away, and gave Balloony a wink.
"How apoud now?"
"Uh.. not now."
Cloudy looked slightly disappointed, floating away into the kitchen. He thought to himself,
You're never gonna get the experience again.
He shook his head, clearing the thought from his mind, as he took a knife from the counter.
As he walked back in to his and Balloony's room, he found that Balloony was already asleep on the bed. Cloudy admired him for a second, before starting to plan his demise.

Sorry Balloony fans and Balloudy shippers
Balloony finna d i e

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