Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall

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"That change your plans any?" Alice asked as the two waited in front of the castle. "Still gonna send him that message?"

Lock took a moment to think it over, but ultimately nodded. "Yeah. He's the one who pointed Sebastian out as a suspect in the Head Hunter murders, and that's the thing that put Sebastian in my path in the first place. I never would've suspected him of being involved with anything without uncle Oscar's hints. I think we can trust him."

"You think?" the girl mimicked. "Well, that's reassuring."

"Now that we're alone, you gonna tell me how you and Ozzie got together?"

"You're not gonna let that one slide, are ya?"

"Nope. Especially not 'cause you would had to have been with Rem when it happened. I doubt you two just started snogging as soon as you and Rem broke up. I have to make sure Ozzie isn't just some rebound."

"Ever consider letting him handle his own business?" Alice snapped. "He's not a fucking toddler."

"He might as well be," Lock replied firmly. "If you actually know him well enough to be with him, then you have to know about his specific limitations. Physically, he's even worse than I am, and he's mentally even below that. He has a hard time keeping track of conversations. He can't read. He can't do math. He can't look people in the eye when they're yelling at him. No, Alice. I cannot let him handle his own business. I'm going to ask you one last time, and if you don't tell me, or if I suspect you're lying, I'll do everything within my power to put an end to any connection you two share. How did you two get together?"

Averting her gaze, the redhead replied, "Rem said another one of his stupid catchphrases when he saw me wearing a short skirt. I went to your house, actually expecting my friend to be there for me, but found Oz instead. I cried for a good while, and he let me. He actually listened to the things I said."

"Are you actually blaming me for being busy that day?" Lock interrupted. "If I'd known you were coming, I'd've been there, and you know it."

"I don't know so damn much about you anymore!" she cried. "Making a deal with an unknown angel? Scheming with Lewis and the Karmas behind everyone's backs? Fighting sleepers of all things!"

"Like I had a choice about any of that," the boy said. "Think I enjoy having everyone I care about threatened? Why don't you give it a shot!" It was the first time in a while that he let his composure drop completely, and allowed himself to be angry - in an everyday situation, at least. "I don't want to be the preacher. I don't want to spend my days searching for a serial killer! I don't want to return home, only to find out my brother was basically kidnapped! I DON'T WANT ANY OF THAT!"

The outburst didn't come out of nowhere; It had been building up for a while, and the girl knew it.

Smirking, Alice gave her friend a hug. "You're not the only one good at playing people."

Staring over the girl's shoulder, dumbfounded, Lock burst out laughing. "You definitely got me there."

"Don't you feel better now?"

He laughed some more, his voice more and more uneven as he went on. Quickly, the laughter was replaced by choked sobs, and Lock let tears fall down his face, then buried his face in Alice's shoulder. "N-No."

"I know it sucks," the girl said, rubbing his back soothingly, "but you're you; You'll get through it somehow. We'll get through it somehow. You even have those assholes backing you up now, right? Crispin's gonna help us, too, right? We probably won't be able to get Rem on our side, but you trust your uncle, so he's another point for team Lock. You don't have to keep bottling your feelings up. It's not healthy."

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