Off With His Head Part 3

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Allen landed safely on the ground, right next to where Alice and Oz had a few moments before.

"Um, how'd you do that?" the girl asked him. "Are you a wizard?"

"Yes, Alice. I'm a wizard."


"No, you idiot. Anyway, we should run. Big bro should still be near."

"If he survived," Alice whispered, then gestured for Allen to get back on her angel. "Come on. We're still heading to Olympus."

Before Allen could get close, a large, black tail slammed into the ground in front of him. The three of them whirled around, and saw a giant cat standing there. Its fur was pitch black, and it had a twisted, enormous grin on its face. "Found you."

"Oz, do you think..." Alice started, eyes wide.

"Yeah," the boy confirmed. "That's Cheshire."

"Don't you dare leave me behind," added Allen. "Oh man, it's even creepier than before."

"Found you," the cat whispered, its backside going up as its front lowered close to the ground, claws fully out. Gabriel jumped toward Allen on Alice's command, and the boy quickly tried climbing it. The cat, however, was faster, and managed to slam its paw into the rabbit, sending it, and the ones riding it, flying across the grassy field. Oz's leg twisted at an unnatural angle, and he released a loud scream of pain.

"Shit," Allen said. "That's bone peeking out." His own body was bruised all over, too.

"Cheshire found you because Cheshire knew the way," the cat said, its voice a lot deeper than before. "Come with Cheshire, master Ozymandias. Follow Cheshire. He knows the way."

Gabriel jumped at the cat's head, slamming its feet into the larger angel's face. It did nothing, and Cheshire swapped him away, making him disappear in the process.

"What was that?" asked Allen, trying to hold Oz up. "What happened?"

"When an angel takes too much damage, they go back to where they normally are," Alice answered. "It usually never happens, since they're pretty tough, but, then again, they're not normally as huge as that thing."

Oz groaned again. "You two need to go."

"Are you daft?" snapped Alice. "We're not leaving you like this."

"He'll just kill us all."

"Not if we get help," said Allen, looking at the girl. "We're not that far from the hideout. Can you summon Gabriel again, then use him to get there? That black dog might come in handy."

"And what'll you do?"

"Hold him off."

Cheshire charged, and Manticore met him halfway there. Though the black cat was bigger, the lion was faster, and managed to land sting after sting. None of them did more than anger the cat, however.

"What are you waiting for?" Allen groaned. "Get going!"

"Right," replied Alice, managing to bring the rabbit back. "Don't die."

"Wasn't planning to."

Just as she jumped off, Gabriel with her, Jabberwock swooped through the air, and promptly scooped them up in its large, scaly hands.

"Shit," Allen cursed, looking from Oz to Cheshire. The cat managed to beat Manticore down, then delivered the finishing blow, biting into its body, making it disappear. "Shit."

Cheshire pounced toward him, the angel's shadow completely enveloping Allen and the area around him. Oz whimpered on the ground, forcing himself not to touch his injury. Just when it seemed like the cat would be the cause of their deaths, a massive, armor-clad man appeared in front of them, wielding a giant broadsword. The knight swung his sword, hitting the opposing angel with its flat side, and knocked it aside.

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