Into the Woods

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Vanitas, like everyone else touched by the darkness, had been sent to one of the remaining four realms. He found himself standing at the edge of a very thick forest, one full of thorns and bushes.

"Oh my," he said, grinning. "Lady luck must finally be on my side. To land in Azteca, of all realms."

He waved his hand, which glowed with green-tinted energy, and willed the thorny vines aside. However, they returned to their places as soon as he stopped concentrating.

"Can't be," he said, black feathers coming out of his host's skin. "They would elect a new ruler in my absence? Well, I really shouldn't be surprised. You can never trust a fairy." The black feathers covered his arms, which grew in size as a result, turning into wings. His nose elongated into a beak as his eyes drifted apart, widening. Finally, his toes curled into the ground, becoming talons. Once his transformation was completed, Vanitas had the form of a giant black owl. It took off into the skies, and flew above the forest, avoiding the thorns altogether. The further he flew, the taller and thicker the trees became. Quickly, the leaves turned from the regular green to a mysterious blue, and the owl dove beneath them.

Titania, the queen of the fairies, was standing in front of a mirror. She seemed satisfied, gleefully smiling at her unmatched beauty. Her long, red hair fell across her shoulders in wavy locks. Her green eyes were cold and calculating. For years, she had been known as the most beautiful woman in the entire realm, but lately had begun to doubt that. She was growing old, and frowned at a wrinkle she saw on her forehead.

"This cannot be," she said. "I am ageless. I am the queen." She turned to her right-hand man. "Midas, has any former ruler been known to age?"

The young man shook his head. "No, my lady. The crown maintains youth everlasting, freezing them in the age they were when they first put it on."

"I thought so," she replied. "Most concerning. Something fowl must be coming."

She wasn't inside any sort of chamber, for the entire forest was her home. The trees above made for a natural roof, and the soft grass served the function of a carpet.

"I truly hope nothing bad is about to happen," Midas said, and then a winged flurry of darkness descended up them. The protective magic of the trees couldn't hold it back, and a massive owl - the biggest any of them had ever seen before - landed before the queen.

"Greetings, your majesty," Vanitas said. "Now that I've dispensed with the pleasantries, it's time to get to business; Get away from my mirror."

Titania's guards quickly drew their swords and spears, and surrounded the owl.

"Your mirror?" the beautiful woman said, frowning. "This mirror is the sacred treasure of the fair folk; It belongs to the monarch, and the monarch alone."

"Yes, I'm quite aware of that," the owl replied. "It is exactly that that makes it mine."

"Who are you, fiend?" Titania asked. "I do not recall us ever being ruled by a bird."

"You simpering simpleton. I am the greatest ruler your kind has ever seen, and I'll be taking my crown back in a minute."

"You dare speak to the queen that way?" Midas growled, charging. Vanitas smacked him away with one of his wings, and the fairy landed inside of the large pond that was on one side of what they considered the throne room, putting the other guards on edge.

"Oh, where are my manners?" The owl chuckled. "I really ought to show your majesty some respect. Oh, I know! I'm going to give you a gift."

Titania spoke hesitantly, "I want no gift from you, owl."

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