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I TI I Y EOᑎᗪ OOK, ᗷᑌT IᖇᔕT ᕼᗩᖇᖇY OTTE ᖴᗩᑎ ITIO. I Iᒪᒪ TY TO KEE ᑌᑭ Y OTE OOK, ETEE ᔕᑕᕼOO ᗩᑎᗪ TI OE ᗩᔕ Eᒪᒪ.
Happy reading!!!

I stumbled into a new city. It seemed like something out of a story book. Cars don't need horses, lights that require no fire and little blocks of metal the people talk into. The road feels so cold on my bare feet. With every step I take tiny rocks slip in between my toes leaving my feet sore and tired.
The wind was crisp and nicked at my pale skin as I tried to cover up my body with what little clothes I had on. The top layer of my little dress was barely hanging on, so I ripped it from the seam to make myself a little cloak to drape over my bare arms. The very old brown plaid dress had holes and missing seams and it didn't even fit me right. It being what seemed like a little girls dress stopped just below my bottom which sent terrible glares from all directions directly at me. 
As I was walking down the cold wet path I was all alone. I heard some rustling behind me so I started to speed walk. The sound kept getting closer. I broke out into a full on sprint not knowing where I was going. The next thing I know my freckled face had hit a lady right in the stomach.
"Dear child! Where are your parents? And why are you out here all alone? This is not a safe place for a girl like you to be by yourself!" I looked up to see a lady twice as tall as me and way prettier. She seemed to know her way around this place. Maybe she can help me?
"Now! Come one dear girl. You can stay with me until we can find your parents." I looked back to where I heard the noise and saw a completely bare street. Must have been my imagination. As my mind came back around the woman had already started to walk off. I had to run to catch up to her which lead to me slipping on another rock and smacking my face on the pavement. I could taste a hint of metal in my mouth. I went to feel my lip to find a trickle of blood slowly going down my face staining my already ruined dress. The lady seemed to hear the commotion cause the next thing I knew I was getting chewed out because my 'parents' had not only let me wander by myself they gave me the worst clothes. Do I even have parents? The last thing I remember was walking down a street with no destination in sight.
"Well? Are you coming?" The lady stood tall holding open a little rickety door for me to walk in. I didn't have anywhere else to stay. I might as well. As soon as we were inside she shed her overcoat to reveal the prettiest blue dress. It seemed practical and uncomfortable at the same time. I turned to see a long hallway lined with doors leading to other rooms I suppose. One of the first doors swung open to reveal and very mishevled little boy. He had brown hair and hazel eyes and was only wearing a pair of trousers no shirt. I turned my head very quickly and a faint red blush crept up my cheeks.
"John go put a shirt on!" The woman yelled. The sudden noise caught me off guard and made me jump. "Oh not you sweetheart. Let's go find you a clean ready room."
We were on the other side of the building and we had finally stopped walking. We stood outside of an old green door that look like all it needed was one big slam to fall off the hinges. She opened the door to reveal a room the size of a small closet. The room had a small cot sized bed in one corner with a small bared window. On the other side of the door, taking over most of the other wall was a old worn out green wardrobe that could hold barely any clothes. I could live like this. Once again I am brought out of my thoughts by the lady asking me a question.
I turned to face her.
"I asked for your name." She raised her brown eyebrows awaiting my answer. I paused. Do I remember my name? I barely even remember how I got here. I had to dig into the deepest parts of my brain to remember just my name. What happened to me?
"Imrie." I finally said after a moment of silence.
The brown hair woman looked at me.
"Do you have parents? Sorry I just don't know what kind of parents would let their daughter wander the street in the middle of the night in a tattered dress."
"To be fully honest, I don't remember anything up until a couple of hours ago. So I guess no."
The woman looked at me like she was trying to figure out if I was telling the truth. "Ok, well I will let you stay here for as long as you need, it is not safe for a young child to be out. Especially with everything going on with He-who-should-not-be-named right now."
I just looked at her confused. "This might be a weird question, but what year is it?"
"1982, now you should get some rest. Goodnight Imrie" As she closed the door the light retreated with her into the hallway, leaving me alone in the dark. I pulled back the very thin tattered green blanket and pulled it all the way over my head thinking to myself it would keep me safe. The noise from the streets was the only thing keeping me up.

The Other Riddle//HarryPotterfanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora