Chapter 12 Goblet of fire part 3

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Blaise does something horrendous to Imrie she tries to go talk to Cedric but decides against it. Goes to second task. Cedric comes back with Cho. Tries to talk to Imrie but she walks away.  Cedric traps her in broom closet to talk she tells him about Blaise and how she feels. They talk about the tournament and more. Tells him good luck and hugs him before the maze. She sits next to Draco and he makes bets about Potter not making within 5 mins. Feels like something is wrong. At same time Voldemort comes back and touches Harry. When he performs Crucio she falls in pain as snake appears on arm. Stands up and doubles over in pain. Outline of snake appears on forearm. Cedric tells Harry to take his body back to his father and sister. Talking about Imrie. At med when Harry comes back with Cedric hears Diggory's father and runs over screaming from him. Ripped away by mad eye Moody when he sees outline of snake on arm with Harry. Harry yells her what Cedric said. They hug. Notices moody changing back. Harry and Imrie share look. Harry figures it out and Imrie tries to react but he performs Crucio. Passes out. Snake fully appears on Imrie's arm. Goes to meeting after being in medical wing hearing Dumbledore talk about Cedric. Draco sees her and pulls her into his arms as she cries. Stays at hogwarts for summer until Ron comes up to her and asks her if she wants to stay with him and Harry at his house. She declines, but Dumbledore makes her go.


I woke up with giddy excitement. Some of the Slytherin girls and I are going to go to Hogsmeade to look for dresses for the Yule Ball. I am actually quite excited to dress up since I practically wear the same thing everyday. I slip on a pair of jeans and a skin tight shirt with holes in the sleeves for my thumbs to keep my hands warm. I brush out my hair and pull half of it up away from the face. I decide to look decent and actually put on some light eyeshadow and mascara. I step back and look in the mirror. I don't look too bad. Hopefully today will be busy enough to keep my head from wandering to all the drama in my life at the moment. I slip on a pair of knee high boots and grab my coat and scarf, and head to the court yard to meet the other Slytherin girls.

After we got some butter beer, we headed to the only dress shop in town. As soon as we step in the walk way was lined with dresses swaying back a forth by themselves. We make our way around the store picking the ones we like. The only thing, I couldn't fond any I really truly thought was pretty. Even when I found one and tried it on it always seems to swallow me up. I sigh in defeat as one by one all of the girls found dresses except for me. Pansy walked over to me and sneers.

"You know, the reason you can't find a dress is because you don't fit in to our crowd. You have no value to your name and no one at Hogwarts has even heard of it. How are you even in Slytherin?! There is no way you are actually a pure blood, so stop pretending that you are and stay in your place!" Pansy finally backs down and walks over to the hoard of girls in a giggling mess standing by the door ready to leave. "Just stay here. We didn't want you to come with us anyways." She sneers. It kind of makes her look more like a pig. Once the door shut my walls come tumbling down as the tears fall from my cheeks like a raging river. I sit there for a while until I hear shuffling a few feet beside me. Thinking that it was Pansy or someone else I quickly wiped away my tears turning my light gray shirt dark. I sniffle trying to hide the evidence when the shop lady walks over.

"Oh honey, it's okay to cry. You have to let it out every once in a while." Her short curly silver hair stays in place as she bends down to sit next to me. I give her a confused look when she put her arm around me pull me into her side. "Don't listen to those girls. Yes, your last name is important, but at the same time that's not all that you are." She smiles. "Now, let's fins you a dress. Shall we?" She stands holding her hand out to me. I hesitate. "Oh come on, you get the entire store to yourself!" I smile a little and let her pull me up to go look.

About 5 dresses later we still couldn't find a dress. All of them were either too sparkly or to extravagant. I stood on the pedestal in a navy blue long lace dress with sleeves as the lady tap her chin I start to squirm getting uncomfortable in the itchy fabric. It doesn't help that the cold weather is drying my skin out. Then as I look up it's like a light bulb went off in her head.

"I have to perfect dress! I can't believe I didn't think of before, probably because it's been in back collecting dust for 3 years." She walks off to go get the dress I'm guessing. So I hurry to the dressing room to take the dress off I sigh with relief as I tie the cotton robe around my petite body. I walk out when I see her standing in front of the door holding a beautiful dark green dress. "I know you said you didn't want extravagant, but this is sort of subtle and it doesn't have embellishments. Could you at least try it on before you make up your mind?" I wait a second before grabbing the dress and going to the changing room. I slip out of the robe and take the dark green dress off the hanger. I let the dress Pool on the floor so I can get my footing on the ground so I don't fall. I pull the stain fabric up my shoulders

 I pull the stain fabric up my shoulders

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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