Chapter 10 Goblet of Fire part 1

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Hi! Sooooo Goblet of Fire! Imrie Bailey style!

Hope you like it:)


"Im.......Im....... Imrie...........IMRIE BAILEY!"

I jump up to the sound of someone screaming in my ear instantly grabbing my wand for protection.

"Oh.... i... it's ok.... it's just me. Cedric!"

I finally open my eyes wide enough to see the outline of Cedric face upside down with his shaggy brown hair dangling freely from his scalp.

"Mmmmmm" I scratch my eyes free of the crust from sleep. "What do you want." I huffed turning over and hiding my head in my pillow. Ever since the recent events of not only the Chamber of Secrets opening, but the very infamous Sirius Black escaping from Azkaban, Dumbledore allowed me to stay with Cedric and his family over the break. Just in case anything happened during break. (Which is nothing just BTW) Everything seems to happen during the school year.......

"Come on get your bloody arse up from bed!!" Cedric grabs my arm and drags me out with my stomach plopping onto the ground. "We need to pack and get ready for the train." Cedric groaned giving up on me getting up by seeing the covers slowly make their way back over my body.

"Fiiiiiinnnneeee." I huff and sit up pulling the covers over my head. Cedric stood and rolled his eyes.

"You are a child you know that right?" He rolled his eyes and eyes my sweats and Beatles t-shirt. I grew fond of muggle bands. "Just hurry up.... or I might just leave without you." At those words I jumped up and ran towards the bathroom pushing Cedric down in the process.

I huffed as I finally found a compartment with no one in it on the train. Cedric has left earlier to go talk to his quidditch buddies. I decided to go my own way and find a quiet compartment so I didn't look like I didn't belong.

"Anything from the trolley my dear?" A lady poked her head in.

"No no thank you, I think I'm good." I half grinned.

"I'll take some miss." A voice said. I look up to see Draco receiving some candy. When he made eye contact with me. "What are you doing by yourself Bailey? Why are you not with your boyfriend, Diggory over there?" He nodded down the hall. I roll my eyes at him.

"For one gross, Cedric is like my brother." I snarl. "And second I actually quite like the silence. So if you don't mind." I open my book and start reading.

"I never pegged you to be one that read muggle books." Draco scrunched his nose.

"Well never judge a book by its cover." I continued to keep my head buried in my book. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Draco making himself comfortable in the seat across from me. I huffed and put my book down. "What do you want Draco. We both know your not just in here to talk." I cross my arms.

"What can't I just not have a reason to be in here?" He smirked.

"Draco, there's always a reason with you." I sigh. Draco just huffed and stormed out. Wonder what his deal is.

The train slowly pulled into the station as I was pulling on my robes. I pulled my auburn hair out from being trapped under my robe letting it cascade down my back. I grab my wand and walk off the train. As soon I step out Hagrid yells to clear the runway. Clear the runway? I look up to see a flying carriage coming in to land and then out in the middle of the black lake a large ship emerges from the water. There's something you don't see everyday.

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