Chapter 3

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I ᗩᗰ ᗷᗩᑕK ᗯITᕼ ᗰOᖇE! IᗰᖇIE ᗯIᒪᒪ ᗪEᖴIᑎITEᒪY EᑎᒍOY ᕼEᖇ TIᗰE ᗩT ᕼOGᗯᗩᖇTᔕ!


It was so silent you could hear a pen drop.

The old man sat next to me as he talked with Mrs. Lance. Well, more like studied. He seems to know what he is doing so I wasn't going to question it. I am starting to get impatient just sitting here so bounced my right leg up in down. I found a sweet spot to where at a certain angle of holding my leg up, it would spasm and jump a lot faster. The old man firmly put his big rough hand on my leg as to tell me to stop. I look up at him trying to see his eyes in the middle of the long grey beard. I finally give up and slump down in my chair. Finally Mrs. Lance looks up from her computer.
"Well, Dumbledore, I looked through Miss Bailey's file and didn't find anything that would halt this process."

"Good, Miss Bailey will come and join us at Hogwarts." I look up with confusion written on my face. Was he thinking about adopting me and then sending me to school?

"There is only one problem headmaster. We will need an adult to sign off on guardianship." Mrs. Lance never once looks in my direction. It seems as though she didn't like me all along.

"That won't be a problem. I will sign the papers." Mrs. Lance smiles, but it doesn't seem sincere to me. I catch her looking at me out of her peripheral vision.

" Imrie, why don't you go start packing?" Wow, she is actually talking to me. Crazy.

I stand up and excuse myself from the room. I run upstairs all the way to my room. I rip open the door almost breaking it. I try my hardest to make the loudest amount of racket possible to show how upset I am. At least I will get a better room. I put what little belongings I had in my trunk. A couple of shirts, hoodie, and my only two pairs of jeans. I look around my room to make sure I have everything. It still looks the same as the first night I moved in, just a little more worn. I grab my bag with my books in it and shove all of the books in my trunk and keep the one I am working on and my pencil pouch in my bag. I trudge downstairs knocking every step loudly with the wheels on my trunk. Mrs. Lance and Dumbledore and talking with hushed voices when I cam downstairs. I decided to stop and listen in.

"She is dangerous.....We can't afford to .......... find out, .......put in Azkaban." I don't want to hear anymore so I drop my trunk down the stairs. Shit! All of my books and clothes came tumbling out and scattered across the room.

"Um, I didn't mean to do that." I awkwardly tucked my arms into my body. Dumbledore comes over and starts to help me pick everything up and Mrs. Lance just stood there giving me a look of sympathy. I walk over to her and give her a hug goodbye. Mrs. Lance wrapped her arms around me making me feel warm and safe. She finally pulls us apart. I look up at her pale complexion and saw her teary hazel eyes looking down at me. "Thank you for letting me stay so long. I may have caused some trouble." I laugh as tears start filling my eyes. I wipe stray tears from my face and turn around to see Dumbledore looking through some of my books. "Hey! That's private property don't mess with those!" I ran over and yank the book out of his hands.

"Your artwork is tremendous! You are a very talented young lady." I glare at him and walk off to put the books back in my trunk. "I guess it's time to go. It was lovely to meet you Mrs. Lance, you have raised a beautiful talented young witch." Mrs. Lance grins. It didn't reach her eyes.

"Bye Imrie, everyone here will miss you and your antics." She half heartily laughed. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug.

"I love you Mrs. Lance. Words cannot describe how much I am thankful for you letting me stay here. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Imrie Bailey."

The Other Riddle//HarryPotterfanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin