Chapter 11 Goblet of Fire part 2

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Sorry I've been gone for so long! Here's part 2 of GOF!



I wake up, put on my Slytherin robes, and brush my hair. I look in the mirror and notice my eyes were still red and puffy from crying last night. I shrug it off trying not to think about it, especially what I said to Potter. I open my trunk and dig to the bottom pulling out a tiny little bag of makeup I got as a gift last year from Pansy. I think she needs it more than I do. I find the concealer and blend it under eyes getting rid of the dark bags. I then take out the mascara and coat my lashes. Just enough to look presentable. I brush out my hair and just let it fall around my face. I walk up stairs to the common room and see Draco talking to Blaise. Blaise is pretty much just as arrogant as Draco, but it's more about looks than family to him.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Blaise smirks eyeing my state.

"Shut it Zabini." I snarl back. By now Draco turns around and looks at me with a concerned look. I just stare back.

"What, is there something on my face?" I ask.

"Yeah, makeup. Never seen you with any on." Draco goes quiet. "Is something wrong?" Ha! I think to myself. Draco cares about someone else that isn't himself?!

"I've never seen Bailey put on makeup before. She actually looks appealing." Blaise snorts.

"Shut up Blaise!" Both Draco and I say. Draco studies my face more.

"Have you been crying?" He asks. I immediately panic if he can tell then Cedric can tell too and I don't want him to know he got to me.

"Can you tell?" I ask concern laced in my voice.

"Why do you say that? I just noticed your eyes are a little red. That's all." Draco shrugs.

"Well, um.... actually yeah...... a little." Blaise laughs again and I shoot him a glare tell him to shut up. "Cedric and I...... kind of got in a fight last night.... about the tournament and we both said some things.... about one another." I was trying to hold back tears as I spoke. I look up too see Draco's face blank of any emotion. Then he just walked out without a word. I swear on Merlin's beard if he touches Cedric..... actually why do I care? We aren't friends anymore.

We were all gathered in the Great Hall to find out the candidates, but I really didn't want to be here for two reasons. I'm in the same room as Cedric and the fact that he might make it.

"The Durmstrang champion is ... Viktor Krum!" He exclaims as there was an uproar. "The champion from Beauxbatons... Fleur Delacour!" Another up roar. "The Hogwarts champion..." I close my eyes hoping not to hear his name. ".....Cedric Diggory!" I look up to see Cedric making his way over to the other champions as his friends pat him on the back. He looks at me and then quickly turns away. I hold back tears. I start to walk out when the Goblet did something funny. It seemed to explode and spit out another paper. Huh? Dumbledore hesitantly opens it. "Harry Potter. Harry Potter?" My eyes widen in surprise. He's not old enough. How did he do that? Did he get an older student to do it? He going to be in a lot of trouble I smirk.

A couple of days later and it's time for the first task. I decide to stay back I don't really want to go. Draco thinks I'm being a chicken because of Cedric, but I don't care. It's not that I don't want to watch it. I just don't want to see him get hurt. So I spend my day in the library studying for Moody's class. I go back to common room as everyone is coming in from the first task. I run to catch up to Draco and Blaise. "So, how did it go?" Draco looks at me then looks ahead.

"You would've known if you went." He snarls. "This fight between you and Cedric, is ridiculous, if your really this upset then just forget him." I huff in annoyance.

"Can you just tell me how it went?" He smirked.

"He passed if that's what you were wondering. Your such a baby Imrie. Grow up." He laughed and walked off with Blaise not too far behind. As soon as he was out of sight I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


A couple of days later in Lockhart's class I over hear Ron and Harry talking. They seem to be stressed about some dance? I just roll my eyes and tune out the rest of their conversation.

I make my way to the Great Hall to start studying for my classes since I haven't done any work this year. I look towards the Hufflepuff table and spot Cedric with his head buried in some old book. I quickly look away not wanting to be caught staring. I then find myself walking over to my own table. I take my usual spot next to Draco as he talks to Blaise sitting across from him. Draco ignores my presence, but Blaise winks at me as I give a small smile back. I tuck my hair behind my ear a take out my books.

Halfway through my work I get bored and start to listen in on others conversations. I pick up on Harry and Ron's conversation from across the hall. They are obnoxiously loud.

"This is mad. At this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates. Well, us and Neville!" Ron whisper yells. What are they talking about? Dates to what?

"But then again he can take himself." Harry says.

"It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone." Hermione says as Ron gasps. I giggle, Neville's accomplished something before Ron has. I heard some muffled talking before Ron speaks up.

"Well Hermione, your a girl." I visibly wince at that statement.

"Oh well spotted."

" Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl it's just sad." Oof, Ron is about to get it handed to him. I try to watch them out of the corner of my eye without seeming to obvious.

" I won't be going alone because believe it or not someone's asked me. And I said yes." Hermione stands up and storms off with her books in hand.

"Look. We've just got to grit our teeth and do it. Tonight when we back to the common room, we'll both have partners. Agreed?" Ron says.

"Agreed." I look up to see Snape standing over them and suddenly push their heads back into their books. I couldn't stop the small snort that erupted from my lips. Draco and Blaise cut off their conversation to look at me. Well Draco glared and Blaise just looked at me in amusement.

"What's so funny Bailey?" Draco snarled. Guess he's still giving me that attitude.

"Nothing just an inside joke I was thinking about." Blaise looks at me like he is thinking about something.

"Hey Bailey, would you like to go to the dance with me?" Blaise smirks. I look at him in confusion.

"What dance?" He laughs.

"What dance? Are you that blind. The Yule Ball everyone has been talking about., of course!"

"Well sorry I don't talk to many people." I think for moment when I see Draco's blank face. Maybe I can get him back for how he has been treating me.

"I think I am going to take you up on that offer Zabini." I smile

"Can't wait." Blaise smirks.

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