Chapter 4

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ᔕOᖇTIᑎG ᗪᗩY!!! ( I ᗩᗰ ᗩ ᕼᑌᖴᖴᒪEᑭᑌᖴᖴ!)


There is a lot of people here. Like a lot. I pushed through the train station trying to find platform 9 3/4 I am so confused, on one side of the wall is the number nine then you walk a little further to see ten. So where is this platform. He better not be playing with me. I squeeze my way through a red headed family with my trunk being pulled behind me. I am surprised I haven't lost it yet. I keep leaving it in places all around the station. I felt a light tap on my right shoulder. I turn around to see a young boy around my age with bright red hair and blue eyes.

"Hi, My name is Ron Weasley. I noticed you seem to be looking for The Platform, right?" I just stared him. His red hair proves to be very distracting to me. Ugh stop! Ron just stared at me awkwardly as I was trying to think of a way to say my next sentence.

"I can't find The Platform anywhere." I emphasize The Platform as to mean 9 3/4. Ron looks at me quizzically for a minute. Then his eyes widen.

"Oh! This is your first year! Well, um let me and my family show you the way." An older looking woman walks towards me with a younger girl by her side. I can see the resemblance. The hair color, can't miss it. Mrs. Weasley walks up to me with her arms held wide open.

"Oh my goodness! Another first year! Ron see you won't be the only one! Now let's get you to your train shall we?" Before I could even answer I was pushed into the wall with the number nine hanging out the side of the wall. I stumble out to see more people, but this felt different. Like everyone seemed to know each other or have a deeper connection. Behind me Ron walks out of the wall.

"Thank you for your help." I grin back at Ron as I hand the man my ticket and board the mahogany train. I pull myself on behind another boy and run into his back.

"Get off me!" The bright blonde boy turns around and looks at me up and down like he was judging me. By the look on his face I would say he was.

"If you keep looking at me like that your face is going to stick." I stuck my tongue out at him as I made my way aboard. I happen to cross an empty room and slide open the door to take a seat. I pull out my notebook and start drawing. I have to many ideas right now to focus on the garden. I flip it open to a new page to see this is my last page. I guess it's time to get a new book.

After a while a couple of girls filtered into the room talking about some cute blonde. I roll my eyes and pretend I am not even there.


The train comes to a stop as I wake up to see I am alone again. Good, they were starting the annoy me. I gather my book and admire my new drawing of King Cross station and the train. I stow away my book into my bag and change into my uniform very quickly. Since I don't have a house yet it is just a plain white shirt, black skirt and a black robe with the hogwarts symbol.  I pull my hair down from my art ponytail. I like to call it that because I always tie it away when I am drawing. I shake my head to get my hair to set right. It slowly fluttered down to frame my face and barely skim my shoulders. I pull on my hat and hurry after the rest of the first years towards the boats. I jump on a boat with three girls who seem to know each other. They were talking the entire way to the castle. I am about to throw someone over board if they scream again. I try to ignore them. I am so happy to see land. I was getting to the point that I was going to jump overboard.

Once we were all off the boats, we were led by a very tall and big man. He asked us to call him Hagrid. I kinda of like Hagrid he seems like a really nice guy to be able to talk to. Or maybe to mess with. I smirked with that thought on my mind. We entered the castle to see high set ceilings with two massive doors leading into an even bigger room. I guess that is where everyone is gather considering the loud chatter that I can hear from this side. I turn to see a professor walk towards us.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Now, while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup." I roll my eyes. Yeah, like any of that is important.

The boy from the train speaks up. "It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." Who the hell is Harry Potter. A look of confusion crosses my face. I lean forwards a bit to see a young boy with brown hair and blue eyes with thin rim glasses. Something doesn't settle right about this boy.

The grand doors swing open as we walk in. All four long tables are full of older students. All eyes were on us now. The other first years and I all gather at the front of The Great Hall facing Dumbledore and the rest of the teachers. Dumbledore rises from his seat. "I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that the 3rd floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you." He sits back down. I catch his eyes looking at me. He sends a slight grin my way. His grin eases my nerves the slightest.

"Miss Imrie Bailey!" The sounds of my name being called draws my attention to the task at hand. McGonagall motioned for me to sit. I turn around to face the students all eager to figure out their own houses. I pull myself up onto the stool as McGonagall lifted the hat to my head.

"Mmmmm, Where to put you? You are very ambitious I see. I also sense a strong relation with Slytherin, but you would also do wonders in Gryffindor." The hat was silent for a while. "SLYTHERIN!" I heard whoops and cheers from the far table. I made my way to the noise and sat at the top of the table. As people pat my back.

"Wow, Never thought you would be a Slytherin. I already knew I would be cause of my family. Malfoy by the way, Draco Malfoy." The same bleach blonde boy from the train stood tall in front of me holding his outstretched hand to me as if he wanted me to shake it. I stay in my seat and grin up at him.

"I have never heard of your family, but you must be very proud to be in a house that is biased upon magical blood." Draco's mouth hung wide open as his arm falls hard to his side. He stomps off with a huff to the other end of the table. I chuckle to myself. I felt a light tap on my right shoulder.

"Don't fell bad, the entire Malfoy family are all that way." I turn around to see a guy maybe a year or two older than me sitting at the Hufflepuff table. He seems really nice. "Hi, my name is Cedric Diggory. I'm a second year Hufflepuff, obviously." He smiles and fake rolls his hazel eyes. I laughed a little.

"My name is Imrie, I am a Slytherin, obviously." Cedric looks at me and smiles.

"I think we will be good friends." His face fell. "Do you know anyone here?"

"Other than you and Malfoy over there, no." I scrunch up my face as I say Malfoy actually thinking that I called him a friend. Cedric looks at me with sympathy in his eyes.

"Well, you have me now."

After the feast our prefect shows us how to get to the dungeons where the common room is. The Slytherin's are so original. Our password is pure-blood. As always my thoughts start to flood my mind. What did the sorting hat mean by strong relations? Were my parents in Slytherin, or did I have a sibling?

The common room was a warm green color with a fireplace for winter. "Girls dorms are to the right, boys to the left." I walk down the stairs and enter room 8 my roommate seemed to already be moved in and asleep. I look around to see two beds each on opposite sides of a tiny window slit. She already had her wardrobe stocked full of clothes and her dirty clothes sprawled across the floor.  I rolled my eyes. I smirked getting an awesome idea. I open my trunk that was placed at the foot of the other bed. I dig through and find my shaving set. I pull out my Nair and a rag and sneak over to her sleeping form. Her face isn't covered so it makes it easier to put it on her eyebrows. The hardest part of any prank is trying not to laugh or draw attention to myself. I run over to my side of the room throw my new Slytherin uniform onto my trunk and go to sleep. Maybe I do belong in Slytherin.

The Other Riddle//HarryPotterfanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora