Chapter 2

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ᗷIG TIᗰE ᒍᑌᗰᑭ ᕼEᖇE. (ᑎOT ᖇEᗩᒪᒪY) ᒪᗩᔕT ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ ᔕᕼE ᗯᗩᔕ 9 ᑎOᗯ ᔕᕼE Iᔕ 11.


"IMRIE BAILEY, Get down here this instant!"

Crap. I slept in again. I yank back my blanket and rush to put my clothes on. I run down stairs while trying to put my hair up into a decent messy bun. I run around old rickety walls and doorways and made my way into the kitchen. I slow down my pace to make it seem like I was totally not still asleep when she called me down. Mrs. Lance was running around an already very messy kitchen with her wand and mixing bowl in hand. I run over to help. I carefully take the bowl from her and run over to the drawer to pull out a whisk when every utensil in the drawer flies out.

"What in blazes happened here?" I shoot a look at Leo standing in the doorway, gawking at the mess.

"Then don't just stand there help get these things under control!" I yelled. He immediately jumped in. I kind of have a feeling Leo is a little intimidated by me, especially since I'm older know. I bend down to grab the whisk that is now lying on the ground. At least something isn't moving. I surveyed the kitchen seeing the dishes being thrown everywhere and the sink overflowing full of ever more dishes. Why doesn't Mrs. Lance just wash them like muggles do. It's not that bad to act like a muggle for a minute. At least magic wouldn't screw it up. I hear yelling and see Mrs. Lance being dragged by her hair out of the kitchen by a pair of tongs. I kind of have to laugh at that. What, come on it is a little funny.

I hear something fall and look down to see her wand rolling towards my bare feet. Can't really get into trouble if I'm not even in school yet. I place the bowl on the counter top and bend I down to pick up the wand when something push the bowl on to my head. The pancake mix covered me from head to toe. I slowly stand and wipe the mix out of my face and splash it everywhere.

"Agh! Just stop!" I waved my hands out away from my body and everything went quiet. "Finally, Thank you." I pick up the wand carefully not to get pancake mix on it. I grip it tight and with a tiny flick everything was picked up. I look down to notice I was still covered in mix. I trudged upstairs to take a shower and put on clean clothes.

I walk out the steaming shower with my brown hair up in a towel I wrapped another one around my body and tuck a corner into the towel so I don't have to hold it up. I walk back to my room and grab some jeans and my oversized sweater. I throw on my clothes and take the towel out of my hair and shake it like I'm a dog. To be honest my hair is fairly straight, unless it's washed and it has the tiniest bit of wave in it. I walk down stairs and slip on my high top shoes. I race to the back door grab my bag and leave. Good thing Mrs. Lance is asleep on the couch. She got pretty made at me for performing magic. She said something along the lines of, " If I ever find you performing magic in here again it would be my honor to make sure you never went to school anywhere!" I think it was supposed to be a threat, but I don't really care to go to school anyways. Yes, all witches and wizards need to go to school. I just don't feel the need. I would be satisfied just going to a muggle school.

I arrived at the park once again. I tried maintain it, but mostly to where you can see the other side clearly from across the fountain. I sit at my usual black bench. I pull my legs up into my lap and set my bag down next to me. I grab out my pencil case and a notebook and continue working on my sketch of the garden. I finished the fountain a while ago, but I can't seem to get the right balance for the benches. They either turn out too skinny or completely wrong.

"AGH!" I threw my notebook on the ground. Little paper inserts flew everywhere. I rested my head in my hands. One of the papers flew and hit my head. "Seriously!" I swipe it off and peel open the delicate paper. Inside was a picture of a lean, brunette man and a beautiful, auburn haired woman. She was sitting on a chestnut swing with her husband pushing her from behind. In her lap sat a brown haired, dark green eyed baby boy. They looked like a happy family. A small tear ran down the side of my face without me noticing. "Why am I crying. No crying." I wipe the stray tear away.

I eventually get up and clean up the mess I made with my little breakdown. Out of the corner of my eye I see the same old man sitting on the bench across from me from 2 years ago.

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