Chapter 3

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Though reluctant, the Balearian advisors sent another message by pigeon to their king to let him know that Alys was not ready to make the journey to Balear right away.  Alys checked the message over before it was sent and felt content that it was vague enough that it did not give away the fact that she did not want to return to Balear right away. No use angering a father she did not remember and therefore did not know.

Lady Osanne agreed to three days of delay for Alys to decide what she wanted to do. It did not seem like much to Alys, but Dastrehan cautioned her that the Balearian king was not used to being questioned; three days was more than generous.

Alys tried her best to stay clear from the visiting advisors, but she agreed to attend a meal with them and Dastrehan every evening. 

Talk was kept short, brief, and relevant. Clearly, the advisors had no desire to talk with King Dastrehan or Alys until a decision was made. That was just as well with Alys. It unsettled her to listen to them speak about Endolynn, about herself, when she had no memory or understanding of what they were talking about.

The Marniac advisors were more willing to talk, and Alys was content to let them dominate the conversations.  They caught up the rest of them on the newest events of Marniac and the royal family.

Princess Yasmine had been married off to a prince in some kingdom Alys had not even heard of- Shunia.

Princess Jocelynn was betrothed to a prince in Joresh who would be ascending the throne after his father.

The young Marniac prince was betrothed to a daughter of King Barda of Catesh, but that had been broken due to the war between Catesh and Tarkam.

Despite her lack of interested in the Marniac royals, Alys appreciated the distraction. She was surprised that Marniac's heir to the throne had been betrothed to a daughter of a man as volatile as Barda, but she was not surprised that Princess Jocelynn was already engaged again. Alys did not know much about the king of Joresh, not even his name. But she did know that Joresh was in alliance with Catesh, though they weren't currently involved with the war against Tarkam.  It seemed like a risky betrothal to Alys, but it made sense; it was likely Jocelynn's only possible move that could end up with her as a queen.

How the tides have turned now. She thought she was so high and mighty, and low and behold I'm a princess too. And she had Dastrehan.

Alys almost felt bad for the other young princess. Almost.

With everything Princess Jocelynn had put Alys through while betrothed to Dastrehan, Alys could not find it in her heart to feel bad for her. She burned her own bridge with Dastrehan without Alys even having to speak up.

In between conversations with the Marniac advisors, Alys asked the Balearian visitors questions to try and help bring back missing pieces of her memories, and put together the confusing memories she did have.

What was her father like? That question was answered with a simple answer by Lady Osanne, "He is strong leader."


How old had she been when she disappeared? 13.

When had Zaiden disappeared? The same day.

What was her mother like? And what had happened to her?

Those questions got more of a reaction and a more in-depth answer from the advisors.

"Queen Mariota was a beautiful woman, inside and out," Lord Sadon, the older Balearian advisor, said with great feeling. His eyes seemed to glaze over with a far away sadness as he spoke.

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