Chapter 14

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Endolynn waited in her chambers in nervous anticipation of her father's fury, but the time came for her to start preparing to get ready for the evening meal and he never showed up.

Krea came into the main chamber of Endolynn's suite and found the young princess sitting on one of the sofas, pale as a ghost.

"Is everything okay?"

Endolynn looked up, startled. Krea stood watching her, a beautiful sun-orange gown hung over one of her arms.

"Yes," Endolynn stood, rubbing the palms of her hands nervously on the fabric of her loose pants, "Is that for tonight?"

Krea's concerned face perked up at Endolynn's interest in the dress, "I was thinking it would look beautiful on you. It is one of the new ones that you have not worn yet."

Endolynn nodded, distracted, and moved into her bedroom.

Of course, Elspeth and Atheena will be looking their best at dinner, she thought crossly as she undressed and discarder the garment on a nearby chair. Krea helped her into the orange dress, which even though it appeared to be light, had many layers of fabrics in the skirts. Once it was on, Krea told her to do a spin. Endolynn complied, if only to give Krea something to smile at. The skirts moved out around her as she spun, dancing like a flame. Despite her mood, Endolynn could not keep herself from perking up a little. The dress was beautiful. When she inspected it in the mirror, she was happy to see that it looked even better on her than she had dared to hope. The sleeves went to her elbows and than split to hang in long strips to about two feet below. The colour also made her sapphire neckless seem to pop out.

"I love it!" Endolynn praised Krea, offering another smile. Krea smiled back and hurried to tidy Endolynn's hair.

"I think you should leave the blue beads in your hair," she said thoughtfully, "They go well with your necklace."

Endolynn nodded, pretending like she agreed. The truth was that she left those kinds of decisions up to Krea.

All too soon Krea was done fussing over Endolynn and it was time to face her father. She walked to the nearest exit out of the palace once she left her chambers and took a deep steadying breath when she got outside.

The very worst he can do is yell, she reminded herself, hoping she was correct.

As she approached the garden where the small banquet had been set up, she could clearly hear the chattering voices of her twin cousins. Of course, they would be there. It would have been strange to have them missing for an important event such as this. All the same, Endolynn felt annoyance prick at her; she was in no mood for their antics.

"Princess Endolynn," Cedric greeted her as she came into view, bowing slightly. Endolynn gave him a brief nod but barely paid him any attention; she was scouting the area for her father.

She spotted him rather quickly, standing on the far side of the garden talking with Prince Jatova. King Caldor was dressed in some of his best garments and he was wearing his finest crown. Endolynn had not seen him wear it since before she had disappeared, and the familiarity of it brought some comfort to her anxious mood.

The king's hearty laugh could be heard from where she stood across the garden, interupte occasionally by a cough or two.

He was either less mad than she had feared, or he was hiding it well.

Before going to face him, she sought out her grandfather, figuring it would be better to get an idea of where her father's temper had been at in the meeting before crossing paths with him. Lord Sadon stood talking with Lady Osanne nearby, and Endolynn moved at normal a pace as she could force herself to keep in her eagerness.

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