Chapter 1

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"Jack!" I whined calling my best friend, Jack Gilinsky.
"What?" He yelled from downstairs. He was probably in my pantry, eating, as always. But isn't that the normal with all guys?
"Hurry up!"
"Sorry I'm getting a snack!" Surprise surprise.
Jack and I were studying for finals at my house, this week and there hasn't been much studying here. He's been eating my pantry and I've been calling him from upstairs for the past half hour. "Get your butt up here Jack Finnegan Gilinsky! You get your butt up here this instant!"
"Yes master." He says walking into my room and laying down next to me. "Now, where were we?"
"Page 1." I say as seriously as possible.
He laughs. "Can we take a break?"
"Please?" He says sticking out his tongue like a puppy dog.
"Fine." I say, my pointer finger playing with his pouty lip.
"Great. I'll call Johnson." He says making plans for a vacation instead of a break.
"Ok." And with that he dials Jack's number.
"Hey man, what's poppin?" Ugh them and their guy talk.
"You wanna chill? Just me and Alli here at the house."
I'm guessing Johnson agrees because Jack says "great" and hangs up the phone.
Jack starts humming a tune. "Hey what song is that?"
"Just something I made up." He says blushing. He's usually not like this.
Five minutes later Johnson is in my house and we're all watching We're the Millers and laughing our heads off. I put my legs in Johnson's lap and my head in Gilinksy's lap. He's playing my my hair and attempting to braid it.
"Hey Allison." Gilinsky says and I tilt my head to look back at him.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Have you ever done anything illegal?" See, I know everything Jack has done. Illegal, legal, I know it all. We've just never discussed this on my behalf. Jack knows everything I do, even before I do it. But we've never discussed this.
"Um like what?"
"Just anything?"
"Um maybe."
"Um. You don't need to know."
"Come on I told you everything I've done." He says winking.
"Ok fine, you caught me. I kinda maybe, you know, the thing you still do."
"You mean like?" He gestures to his smoking problem, and I nod looking away quickly. He starts smiling like crazy. "Allison Leanne Snyder." He says twirling my hair. "I thought you were miss perfect."
"Maybe." I say laughing and Johnson looks over at me shocked.
"Wow, I'll never see you the same again. When was it?"
"Last month." I say gulping.
"What! no way! You're lying!"
"I swear."
"I don't know, you three guys were doing it, so I wanted to try it."
"Wow! Allison! I can't believe this!"
"Stop saying that." I say pouting.
Ok so maybe I kinda lied that never happened, but I wanted him to see I wasn't a goody two shoes.
"You're lying."
"Stop saying that."
"You're a bad liar."
"Nuh uh."
"I know you're lying. I know everything you do before you do it. And you've never done anything illegal."
"Well if you knew the answer why'd you ask?"
"I wanted to see if you'd lie."
"Whatever. Don't judge me."
"I'm not. I like you being a goody- two shoes." He ruffles my hair. "Anyways, I've got Johnson here, and Sam, to keep me company during those times." He says grinning.
We don't usually talk about it. Because honestly, it kinda bugs me. I mean, he doesn't do it in front of me. But he does it. I'm mean, I thought he was perfect. He had no flaws. And when he does it, his brain gets so messed up, it's not even funny. He says really weird stuff. But that's besides the point. He doesn't know it bugs me. I'd never tell him. He's basically addicted, and honestly, it breaks my heart. He's so sweet, but it gets out of hand fast.
No, I'd never do that, I guess I'm a goody-two shoes. But whatever, I don't care. If he ever took it too far I'd tell him.
He continues playing with my hair as the movie ends. "Well that was fun. Who wants pizza!" Johnson yells and stands up, knocking my legs out of his lap.
"I do! But you're paying." I answer and put my feet back up where Johnson was sitting.
Johnson orders pizza, sits back down, and Sam comes over.
I have the biggest crush on Sammy. I'm not as close to him and I am the Jacks, but Sam is hot.
Not that the Jacks aren't, but I have a thing for Samuel Wilkinson. "Hey Allison."
"Hey Samuel." We call each other by our full first names. It's just something he started one day.
I move my legs so he can sit in between me and Johnson. "Guess who I saw today at the Wawa on the corner near the school." He says turning to the Jacks.
"Who?" Gilinsky says not moving his eyes from the TV.
"Fred." He says smirking and Gilinsky turns and looks at him.
Fred was their dealer and he'd left the state for awhile so they were short handed.
"Did you pick some up?" Johnson ask Sam.
"You bet I did." I roll my eyes and stand up. I walk into the kitchen and grab another slice of pizza and a Pepsi.
"Hey Allison could you grab me a Pepsi?" Sam asks.
"Yeah." I turn back around and grab another Pepsi. When I turned around I saw Sam dealing it equally between the three of them. He didn't want me to see.
"Here." I hand it to him and he opens it.
"Thanks." I sit back between him and Jack. As I go to take a sip of my soda, Jack reaches over and grabs it out of my hands. "Get your own." I say snatching the can back out of his hand.
"Fine." He says getting up to get his own.
"We should go to that new club tonight." Johnson says then looks at me. "Oh, wait."
"You guys go. Don't let me hold you back."
I'm 17 while all three of them are 18.
"Are you sure?" Gilinsky asks me.
"Positive. You guys go have fun."
"Yeah man." Sammy says standing up. "I'm gonna run back to my house I forgot something." He says and Johnson agrees to go with him.
After they leave Gilinsky asks me, "Are you sure you're fine here."
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"I can stay, if you want."
"No, go have fun."
"Okay." He says giving me this weird look but then drops it.
"Bye." They walk out the door and I lock it behind them. Tonight's gonna be fun. Just me, myself, and I. Alone. On a Saturday night. Whoo.
My phone rings. "Are you sure?" Gilinsky asks.
"Yes." I hang up and hopefully he does too.
Yay! I finally got chapter one done! I've been working on this for a long time so I hope you guys like it.
So let me know what you think! How I can improve it, or whatever.

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