Chapter 3

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Jack sat next to me on the couch and stared intently at me. "I know what you did."
"What?" Did he find out about my kiss with Sammy?
"You, you. I can't even stand to look at you right now."
"What did I do?"
"You and Sammy, I know what you did."
Crap. I'm screwed now. He definitely knows.
"Um. Jack."
"No. Don't talk to me, I can't believe you would do that."
"I can explain."
"Oh I hope you can. You and Sammy watched my Walking Dead episode that you promised you would wait and watch with me." He looks away from me and I start smiling.
"Sorry, I guess we just got bored."
"Well, whatever. I don't need you. Me and Johnson watched the premiere for Mockingjay Part I."
"No! I hate you!" He knew I had been wanting to see that movie for forever!
"I know." He says smirking. "Guess we're even then."
"Fine." I say rolling my eyes and walking up stairs away from him.
Sammy stayed in my room last night and I slept in my parents room. "Allison." Sammy whispers from behind the door.
"What?" I say walking into my room.
"I don't know. I just wanted to say your name." He says smirking and grabbing my hand.
"Doesn't sound so bad when you say it." I say laughing.
"Really? Good." He wrap his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.
"I thought Jack knew." I say explaining what just happened.
"We probably shouldn't tell him. I think he likes you."
"Huh?" We're just best friends. That would be weird.
"Yeah, the way he looks at you." He looks at me a specific way?
"Oh, huh."
"Yeah, but forget him. You're here, right now, with me." He says gently kissing my lips. We were taking things pretty fast, yeah. But I'd known Sammy for most of my life. So, technically, I don't think it's wrong to kiss before the first date.
"It's Samuel, to you." He says sending shivers down my spine.
"Yes sir." I said placing my fore head on his.
"You turn me on." He says smirking again.
"I try." I say giggling.
"I figured."
"Wanna go downstairs and watch a movie or something?"
"Yeah. Oh and Johnson left, I forgot to tell you."
"Thanks." We walked downstairs and watched Dumb and Dumber.
Jack joined us about half way through the movie and sat in between us. Way to kill the mood Gilinsky. Way to go.
"That was a good movie." I say and Gilinsky nods his head in agreement.
I feel my phone vibrate and look at the message.
Way to kill the mood Gilinsky.😔
You look hot😍
Thanks. You too😍
No, like, you look REALLY hot. Like smokin babe.🔥 It would be better if I could actually see you, Fatso, here, is blocking my view.
Thank you😊 lol.
"Would you two quit texting and tell me what you're talking about." Gilinsky laughs. "I'm here too you know."
"Yeah, but I'd prefer not to talk to you, after this afternoon."
"Be jealous." He says smirking.
"Whatever." I stand up and walk into the kitchen.
"Can you bring me a bag of chips?" Gilinsky asks.
"Nope. Samuel, you want anything?"
"Yeah, I'll take some chips." He says just to tick Gilinsky off.
"Screw you guys." Jack says getting up and walking into the kitchen. "I don't need you." He mumbles to himself.
I give Sam his chips and walk upstairs. I crawl into my bed and dose off.
I woke up confused and it was 5 o'clock in the afternoon. I jumped into the shower and put on some sweats and a tank top.
I walked downstairs and my mom and dad were in the living room. "Hey, how was your cruise?"
"Great, actually. We met this really nice couple, and then we saw that band you like, five seconds of one direction, or whatever they're called. I can't remember." My jaw drops. They saw 5 SOS!
"Yeah, that one you like, Liam, he's cuter in person."
"Luke," I say correcting her. "I bet, I'm so jealous."
"We knew you would be. And they sang that song, something about not stopping." She says laughing. "Sammy and Jack told me to tell you that they went home."
"Okay. So, tell me more about your trip." I say sitting down next to them crossing my legs.

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