Chapter 11

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I went home and curled up on my bed, but I smelled something. I followed the scent, and it was coming from Jack's room. I already knew what it was. I opened the door, sure enough. "Get that stuff out of my house!" I yelled.
He shrugged his shoulders, but did as he was told. His eyes were beyond red. I opened the windows and went back to my room.
I looked at my phone.
Unknown number
Hey, I know my number probably isn't in your phone, but it's Samuel.
I sighed but didn't text back. Not just yet. He's hurt me too much.
I crawled under the covers and went over my options. Kicking Jack out of my house, forgiving Sammy, or just completely shut myself off from everyone else. Seems like a good idea.
I fell asleep crying and maybe Jack heard my crying because he came in. He didn't say anything he just crawled under the sheets and snuggled up to me. And obviously he has taken a shower, because he smelled good. He wrapped his arms around my back and I put my head in his chest.
I wake up and he's not here. I could've sworn, maybe it was a dream. I go brush my teeth and hair and put on sweats with a tee. I crawl back under the covers and shut the door.
Jack comes in with just a towel wrapped around his waist. Holy ohmigod. "You're awake?" He smiles and walks into his room. He puts on basketball shorts, but goes shirtless instead. He cuddles next to me and kissed my head. "I'm sorry baby." Baby?
"It's okay."
I get up and put on one of Jack's tee shirts and crawl back into bed next to Jack. "Good night baby." He wraps his arm around me and I snuggle into his chest.
"Why are you acting like this?"
"Because I've been a bad friend."
"I shouldn't have over reacted when I found out about you hooking up with Sammy, I just never saw you two together."
"Really? Well who did you see me with." He sighs quietly. "Me."
"Yes. Goodnight." He got up and walked out and shut the door. That was weird. He just, left.
I curled up into a ball and soon smelled a familiar scent. I walked into Jack's room and found him, high, again. "Jack." I moan.
He sighs and I can tell he's depressed. I open the windows and let the room air out. "You're lucky my mom and dad aren't home."
I see a tear slide down his face and I go sit by him. "Jack, this isn't healthy, for you to keep doing this to yourself." He just shrugs and goes to take another hit, but I take it from his hands. "No. Come on." I take his hand and we walk into the kitchen. I throw it away and kiss Jack, right then and there.
"What was that for."
"So you'll stop moping around, it makes me sad to see you like this."
"It's just a kiss, not like you actually have feelings for me."
"Jack, I love you, as a best friend, a brother, but is getting together really a good thing for us?" He just shrugs and looks down at his lap. "Jack. Stop doing that." He continues to stare at his lap intently and I lift his chin up so he's looking me directly in my eyes. "Jack, I'll always love you no matter what. But I just can't love you this way. I can't look you the way you need and deserved to be. You're a great guy, and, I know every girl would fall to their knees, begging, to be with you."
"I don't just want anyone, I want you, only you. To see you're pretty face, first thing in the morning, last thing I see at night when I close my eyes. I'd do anything, anything at all, just to be with you. I want to build forts with you, have Netflix marathons with you, have a family, with you."
"Jack," I whispered touching his face, he flinches at my touch.
"I don't want to hear how much you don't love me, but I'd like to know why. Why don't you love me Alli?"
"Jack, I don't know. I honestly don't know. We've been best friends for our whole lives, I've just never, ever, seen us as anything more."
He rolls his eyes as tears start running down his face again. I can't wait until he gets back to being his original self. "What ever Alli, I should've known you would never have liked me, I'm just not good enough for you, and I know that."
"Jack, you're better than me."
"Than why don't you love me?" He screaming now.
"Jack, I don't know." Now I'm crying and he bangs his fist on the wall and pushed me against the wall.
"Tell, me, why."
"Jack! Maybe it's because you overreact all the time over stupid stuff! When I told you about Sammy, you wanted to kill him! That's not normal! You're over protective."
"I'm sorry that I look out for you, your like my little sister."
"Jack, just forget it, I don't wanna hear it. I'm going to bed." I started to push him off me, but his arm clenched tighter.
"Wait, I'm sorry."
"Jack please, just let me go to bed."
"Just hear me out."
"I already heard you." I was quickly getting frustrated at him.
"No, listen. I love you, and when Sammy said that it was obvious, I didn't realize how obvious I made it, but you were oblivious to everything."
"I'm sorry."
"You know what, I'm not getting to you, just go ahead and go to bed." He released his arm from the wall and motioned for me to go upstairs. Instead I stood there, and stared at Jack. I kissed him but he didn't kiss back.
"Goodnight." I said quietly and went upstairs to my room.
I wake up and all of Jack's things are in boxes. "What are you doing?" I say rubbing my eyes.
"You don't love me, no one does, I'm moving to Idaho.
"Jack, you can't just leave. This is your home."
"Not for long."
"No, I'm not in the mood."
"I love you."
"You don't mean it."
"But I do, and I can't deny it."
"Don't lie to me. You don't love me anymore then you love Sammy."
"Jack, I do. A lot. Please don't leave. I need you." I swallowed before continuing. "I want you."
He raised an eyebrow and said, "prove it."
I pushed him against the wall and smashed my lips into his. He set his stuff down and we walked slowly back towards his bed. I lift off his shirt and run my hands along the lines on his stomach and chest. "Ready?" He asks and I nod my head.

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