Chapter 12

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I laid next to Jack as he stroked my bare back. "I love you, Alli."
"I love you Jack, and I mean it."
"Good, and I'm sorry I always overreact."
"It's fine, your jealousy is kinda cute." I giggle, tap his nose, and get up.
"Where are you going?"
"To get a shower. Throw me your shirt." He threw me his white t-shirt and I slipped it over my head, walking into the bathroom.
I turned on the hot water and washed my body. I got out and wrapped myself in a towel. As I was walking back to my room Jack ran out of no where and picked me up. "Put me down!"
"Never." He said throwing me onto my bed. He crawled on top of me and tickled me.
"Jack, you're lucky my parents aren't home, otherwise you'd be kicked out." I let out a laugh and he kisses my lips.
"Baby, you're so hot. And when your hair is messy you're beautiful."
"Thank you." I glanced at the clock on my bed. "Jack! We have school today! It's 8:30!"
"Crap." We jump up and I put on jeans and a floral top. "I wouldn't go, but I have the game tonight. You're going right?"
"Of course." I smile and we drive to school.
"You're late Miss Snyder." The teacher says marking me tardy.
"It won't happen again."
I take my seat and Johnson looks at me. "What were you two doing last night, I tried calling you like ten times."
"Nice of you to finally notice that I'm alive." I mutter as my face turns beet red.
"Miss Snyder." The teacher calls and I look up. "Perhaps you want to explain to the class why you're late."
"No mam."
"Then get to work young lady."
I quickly took out my English book and turned to page 142, like everyone else.
At lunch I sat next to Jack and he kept teasing me. He would run his hand up my thigh and I would smack it, but that just made him continue. My knee hit the table and Johnson and his girlfriend Lily looked up at me from the other side of the table. "Are you okay?" Johnson asks laughing.
"Yeah I'm fine." I accidentally knocked my fork off the table and as I bent to pick it up from under the table, he touched my butt, causing me to sit up really fast and bump my head on the table.
"Jack, don't tease her." Johnson says. "Didn't you get enough last night?"
I throw a fry at him and put my fork back on the table. "If you don't knock it off I'm gonna stab you with this spork." I say showing it to Jack.
"I'm sorry I just have a super sexy friend I can't keep my hands off of."
"I am pretty sexy aren't I?" I laugh and Jack kisses me.
"No PDA! This is too much for my young eyes." Johnson laughs and puts an arm around Lily.
I laugh and grab my lunch tray. "You're stupid."
"Hey! I have all AP classes!"
"Yeah, I know, you're in all of my classes."
As I walk back to class Lily runs up to me. "You going to the game tonight?"
"Yeah? Are you?"
"I'm not sure, Johnson's not playing, so we kinda wanted to just go home."
"You making Johnson a happy boy?"
She laughs, her face turning red. Lily was kinda small, had blonde hair and she was shy.
After school I went home, but Jack had practice. I took a shower and put on pants and a sweatshirt with a bandeau.
I rode with Jack to the school when he picked me up, and payed to get in alone. I sat on the bleachers and waited for the game to start.
In the final quarter we were losing 32-35,
with eight seconds remaining in the clock. The other team had possession of the ball on our side, and the quarter-back threw it. Jack leaped up and intercepted the ball. I leaped to my feet along with the hundreds of others. I knew Jack was fast, but not this fast.
I watched as he passed the 50, 40, 30, this couldn't be happening. One second left on the clock, he sprinted through the 20,10, and scored a touchdown to win the game as the buzzer went off. Everyone started to run down on the field and I went to find Jack. I saw him and started running toward him. I kept getting pushed back as everyone went up to him.
"Jack!" I yelled and he saw me. He cleared the path to come to me. He lifts me up and kisses me. "You did good baby."
"For you." He whispers. "Come on, let's get out of here." He takes my hand and he drives us to a diner a few blocks away from the house.
"You did so good Jack."
"I knew you were watching, so I wanted to impress you."
"You did." I smile and he looks down laughing. "What?"
"I have a question for you."
"Ask away."
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes." I take his hands from across the table.
"Another question."
"Okay, so, tomorrow, all the guys' girlfriends are wearing their jerseys, will you wear mine." He smiled.
"I'd be honored to wear the jersey of the best player in Nebraska."
"Good." We ate dinner then went home. He took a shower and threw his jersey into the washing machine. I fell asleep right away and didn't feel Jack crawl next to me.
I woke up and found Jack not next to me, but his jersey where he should've been.
I got up and put on jeans and I slipped the number nine jersey over my head.
Jack walks in. "Woah, you look better in my jersey then I do, babe."
"I wish." I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.
"Let's go." He takes my hand and we drive to school. Everyone storms up to Jack, including Abbey, the cheer captain, so, you know what I have to say about her.
"Jack! You won the game last night! We're undefeated! " She hugged him and he glanced at me. I shrugged, still holding his hand. "We should go out sometime."
"I actually have a girlfriend." He says smiling down at me. Then the witch gives me the dirtiest look I've ever seen.
"Okayyyyy." She says dragging out the y and I tell Jack that I'm going to class.
I walk in and Johnson is at his seat. "Hey." He says.
"Sup loser."
"Nothing much."
"So, you and Lily last night?" I smirk and he looks away, turning red.
"Shut up, you and Jack were just going at it the other night."
"You don't know nothing."
"Yeah I do, Jack told me. And I quote: 'dude I got laid last night, best ever,' end quote. So if that doesn't tell me then what will."
"Oh my God, he told you that?"
"Yep. Don't feel bad. I could tell anyways. You were late to school, you hair was a mess, and you were walking funny. I'm pretty sure everyone could tell."
"Oh my God, was it that obvious?"
"Yeah. That's why when you were talking she asked if you wanted to explain why you were late. Even she knew."
"My teacher even knows that I'm active?"
He laughs so hard. "Nice shirt."
I look down at Jack's jersey. "Oh, I know."
"I'm assuming you saw Abbey today."
"Yeah, she gave me a really dirty look."
"Yeah, because you're dating the, what you guys did, God. So tell me, was he as good as everyone always says he is?"
"Oh my God. I can't believe you're asking me this."
"Was he?"
I rolled my eyes. "Will you shut up?"
"Not until you tell me. Was he as good as everyone describes him.
"No, even better." I say just to shut him up.
"Go Gilinsky." He laughs and we have to stop talking because the bell rings.
"Miss Snyder."
"I assume you're feeling better today?"
She smiles and I laughs. "Yes mam."
I look over at Johnson and shoot him a dirty look.
"Jack." I say clenching my teeth.
"Yes babe?"
"Did you really have to tell Johnson?"
He bites his lip and smiles. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh really?" I attempt to imitate him in my bests guy voice. " 'dude! I got laid last night! Best ever' No running from this one."
"Oh, yeah." He smiles. "I heard that I'm better then everyone says."
I imitate him. "I have idea what you're talking about."
He tries to talk in a girly voice. "Yeah he's wayyyy better than they say he is."
"Okay, that one never actually happened."
"Maybe it did, and you don't want to admit it."
"You're delusional."
He wraps his arm around me. "You love it."
"I do." He kisses my head and we sit down at lunch, across from Jack and Lily,
"Hey lovers." Johnson laughs.
"Tattle tits." I roll my eyes and look over at Jack, who's staring at me. "What?"
"Huh? Oh, you're so beautiful I get lost in your eyes."
"That's so cheesy it's beautiful."
I kiss him and Johnson clears his throat. "Please save this for the bedroom."
"Oh shut up." Jack flips him off and continues kissing me.
The bell rings and we all go our separate ways.
Hey guys! I'm really happy rn idek y:) so anyways hope you're enjoying bye!

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