Chapter 8

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The next day Jack drove to school in silence. Then he spoke up. "What's up? I know there's more."
"I can't tell you." I say looking out the window, tears brimming my eyes.
He flexes his knuckles. "What happened to us telling each other everything?" He looks over at me. "Alli, you told me that you'd tell me everything. So tell me."
"Jack, this is for your safety, not mine."
Jacks foot pushes the gas pedal and we start moving faster. For the rest of the ride he doesn't say anything.
At school I walk by myself and Samny comes up to me. "Sup Alli." He's never called me Alli.
"What do you want?"
"Woah, no need for the attitude there."
"Leave me alone." I say trying to push past him, but he grabs my hand.
"Let's go for a little drive." He says forcing me into his car and we drive to his house. I'm not really scared, because I've known him for so long. If it were anyone else I'd be terrified.
"What do you want, Sam?" I ask again, this time more forceful.
"I just want your company." He gives me that evil smirk again.
"Leave me alone." I say pushing him away.
"Let's go inside." And I realized we stopped driving. He takes me inside and pushes me against the couch.
"Sam, why are you doing this?"
"You know why. You didn't actually think that I liked you, did you?" He says laughing.
"No-o." He laughs again.
"Sam get off!" I yell again. Jack bursts through the door and Sam doesn't back up away from me. Jack literally rips him off me and threw him to the ground. He throws a swing at him and makes contact with his face. Sam gets on his feet and clubs Jack in the eye and his other fist hits his nose. Blood starts gushing out. "Jack! Let's go home."
"Not until I kill him." He opens the nearest drawer.
"No! Jack! No!"
And I see Sammy collapse to the ground right in front of me. Dead.

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