Chapter 13

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"Hey baby." Jack pressed his lips against mine as I crawled into bed.
"I'm exhausted."
"Me too, but sleep well because we're going to a party tomorrow."
I was too tired to put up an argument so I just nodded my head falling asleep.
"Wake up princess. Time to get ready for school."
"Jack," I groaned and sat up. I got dressed and we drove to school.
Today we were going to a party at Jack's dad's house. He didn't care, and he let us have parties all the time, I just never really went. I'm not really a party person.
"Jack! I'm so exited for the party tonight!" Abbey said walking up locking arms with Jack.
"Glad you're coming?" He gave her a confused look. He invited her?
"What should I wear? Really, really, really short shorts, or a dress, for you Jackie Poo?"
"I really don't care." I could tell Jack was trying not to be rude, but it was kinda ticking me off, that he didn't tell her to get lost.
"What would seem more sexy?"
"I don't know, maybe the dress?"
"Well I'll see you in class!" I said storming away.
•Jack's POV•
"I don't know maybe the dress?" I said trying to shrug her off, I didn't want to be mean. That's just not me.
"Well I'll see you in class!" Alli says before storming away. I tried calling out her name, but Abbey stops me.
"So I'll be there around eight thirty, since the party starts at seven. I need time to get ready. All this beauty doesn't come natural you know."
I laughed and tried to get out of her grasp, but nothing. "Abbey, I should get going. I have to get to class."
"Bye Jack." I wave and get running to class, or I'll be late.
I sit across from Melissa, Abbey's best friend. "So, Gilinsky, you gonna finally dump that trash?"
"Excuse me?"
"When are you gonna dump that trash and date the right girl, Abbey?"
I just ignored her because I didn't want to start anything, or say something I was gonna regret.
"Come on Gilinsky, it's only a matter of time."
I just shook my head and continued writing notes down from my book.
"She's probably cheating on you right now. Making out with Sammy, or worse. But Abbey, would never do that to you."
"Melissa, please, I'm trying to take notes."
"Just saying, Abbey is right for you I can tell, and if you can't see it you're stupid."
I continued writing notes when I felt her staring at me.
"Why don't you like Abbey?"
"Because I'm in love with Alli." The bell rang and I got up and walked out, leaving her behind me.
Alli was no where to be found at lunch and I say by Johnson and Lily. "Where's Alli?"
"I don't know, last time I saw her she went to first period."
"She seemed kinda mad and sad." Johnson trails off.
"About what?"
"She wouldn't tell me. She said it was nothing. But whatever it was it must've had her pretty upset."
"I don't know what happened. She just left in a hurry when Abbey came up to me."
"Jack! That's because she saw Abbey flirting with you! What else was she gonna do! You need to tell Abbey you have a girlfriend!"
"I did!"
"Well tell her to leave you alone!"
"I can't just be mean!"
"Jack, you're an idiot."
"She's mad because you're letting another girl flirt with you, right in front of her."
I smacked my head and looked down at my tray. "I'm gonna go find her."
I leave my tray and walk out to the quad. She's sitting on the ground talking and laughing with Sammy. I immediately feel my face turning red with anger, but I walk over to them. "Hey babe." I say kissing Alli on the cheek right in front of Sammy. I have no problem being mean to him.
"Oh, hey Jack. What's up?" She says as if it's awkward now.
"You weren't at lunch, and Johnson said you seemed sad."
"Well, I'll let you two talk. See you later Alli. Jack." He walks off and I turn to Alli.
"What in the burning place they call Hell was that about?"
"What? You mean, Sammy, oh, he's just my friend."
"Friend? I see."
"Well, I'll see you around, Jack." She walks off and talks to several people before going into the gym.
•Alli's Pov•
I walked to the gym because I needed to get away from Jack. He just doesn't get it.
I wasn't talking to Sammy to try and make Jack jealous, he just came up to me.
After school I went home and decided I wasn't going to that party.
"You ready?" Jack yells from downstairs.
"Not going," I flip through the tv channels and turn on a random show.
"I said I'm not going." He comes in and sits on my bed next to me.
"Come on babe. Please?"
"Nope, I'm not going." I tried to zone him out, but my brain just wouldn't allow me.
"Why not?"
"Because I said I don't want to."
"Okay, you know what? Be that way. I'm going." He gets up with his cocky attitude and leaves.
"Have fun." I mutter, knowing he'll probably hook up with two or three girls. Fun for him.
A little after nine o'clock I got a text from a blocked number, of Jack literally eating Abbey. Or maybe it was the other way around? I couldn't tell. I threw my phone at the wall, shattering it. I started crying and I threw all of Jack's drugs away. Down the disposal.
•Jack's Pov•
I left with an attitude hoping she would changed her mind, but that didn't work, so I just went alone, after all, I was hosting the party. I couldn't just not show up.
Around nine the party was really going strong when Abbey came up to me. "Hey Jackie Poo." I could tell that she had obviously had some drinks. I'd tried to stay sober for this reason, to keep her away.
"Hey, how's the party?"
"Great, let's go upstairs."
"I'm sure that would be fun for you, but I have a girlfriend, sorry."
"Oh, but she doesn't have to know."
"I'm sorry I just can't do that to her."
She smashed her lips into my and pushed me against a wall.
For a priss, she was surprisingly strong. I tried to push her off but she started biting my lip. She was drawing blood. I eventually pushed her off and decided to call Alli. No answer.
After the party ended I went home and she was in her bed asleep. Tear stains covered her face and pillow. What happened while I was gone?

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