Fresh Start

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Okay so I was 18 just graduated high school and, I started this job at a drug store that I really didn't like but it made money so I didn't really mind. It was the spin off of summer and I was really exited to get my own money just to go out and do fun cool things. I heard the door alarm go off and I looked to welcome the guest. "Hi welcome let me know if you need help" I said with a smile. The guy looked familiar like if I went to school with him. He came back to the register with some red solo cups and a few bags of ice. "Having a party?" I asked smiling trying to make conversation. "Yeah sort of a kick off the summer type thing, gonna be so dope!" He said he had this bandana on his head and his dread locks were so puffy it kind of reminded me of the mop dogs so I laughed to myself.. " you know what! You should totally come what time you out this place" he asked "few minutes actually" he looked at me with an exited smile and grabbed a pen and his reciept and wrote down the address and time. " hey be there it's gonna be insane! Wear a swim suit it's a pool party!" I looked at the paper and smiled and I got kind of exited inside.  When I clocked out all I could do on the way home was think of how exited I was to actually go to a party but I didn't even get his name so how would I just show up.. I walked outside to my car and I saw him still in the parking lot on his phone I stopped and asked "hey what's your name by the way?" I asked curiously he looked up and said "it's Tezera but everyone calls me Tez"..he took my phone out of my hand and added his number to it.. "Call me or shoot me a text when you get there!" He said.. "alright sounds cool..
I continued to drive home and nothing but nervousness flooded my body..

Hayes• Dating the Top GrierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora