My Mom

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I pulled in to the drive way and I realized that my mom was home.. thinking to myself shit she's going to know this is a guys shirt and I don't know what to say. I walked in the door and she looked at me.. "so you didn't come home tonight because you joined the 808 Mafia?" She looked curious and kind of worried I've never come home in the middle of the morning and as her only child id always abide to the rules.. "no mom I spilled on my shirt and my friends only t shirt was this sorry I didn't want to drive home late it's just a bit scary.." I  said to her I tried to make it sound sincere but in the back of my head I couldn't really explain a plan b in my purse and the excitement of last night.. my phone was on the counter and it buzzed a few times. She picked it up and looked at it "so Hayes Grier.. is this the friend boyfriend? One nighter?" She said "mom no he's a friend from work probably asking me to come in early god why can't you see me as a decent woman? I've always done what you wanted and above that.." I said upset at the fact she thinks this of me..
"Maybe since you decided to stay here and work instead of follow your friend to college a good college at that" she yelled
"Mom staying here and getting this job was the best thing that ever happened to me the people I've met while being there is amazing and maybe someday youll learn to love me unconditionally.." I stormed off into my room..
I opened the message from Hayes while wiping my tears off of my face.. "what time are you off tonight? I have a surprise for you."
His message made me feel so much better that he didn't just forget about me after i left.. I guess in the back of my head even though I knew he was genuine I had a fear of being used.. I texted him back and set my phone down. I grabbed the pack out of my purse and opened up the plastic a removed the pill from its box.. then realizing that I should probably put the trash back in my purse to avoid anymore problems with my mom I took the pill and shoved the trash in my purse then stashed my purse above my closet under some old boxes..

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