Waking up with Hayes

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I was caught in a deep sleep and then all of a sudden I flinched and woke up. It must of been because I felt someone next to me I looked beside me and it wasn't a dream it was Hayes still sleeping beside me. I smiled and looked down and realized that he had given me one if his 808 mafia shirts to sleep in with the shorts I had came in. I laid back down and he brushed against me with his arm. He opened his eyes and smiled at me "lazy ass" he said trying to wake up...
"I'm the one up before you" I said laughing. " I really need to get back to my house I'm working late tonight" I said
He looked At me and pulled me in closer to hug me, and under all that bad ass dirt bike riding vine fame.. he was the sweetest man I've met in a very long time..
minutes later I'm in my car to go home and a quick rush came to my head ... the events from last night went totally unprotected and toooottaally did not have any pull out game. I texted him "hey sooo by any chance about last night.."
I didn't really even know how to put it into words but it seemed like it was on his mind too..
He had replied
"No I didnt even get the chance to grab a condom.. and I kind of didn't pull out either in my defense it was really good and I couldn't just pull out. I'm sorry"

He called me and asked me what I needed to do.
"Hayes don't worry about it I can get plan b it's cool" I said
"Well I can go for you? It's my fault so I can pay for it if you want.." he seemed so caring about this and I just liked him even more for it

"It's cool I got it babe okay go do something about that hair you got that shlumped morning look to you" I said giggling and flirty

"So I am babe this is a good day" he said back to me
"Bye Hayes" I laughed and made my way home
I had stopped at the store realizing I left my shirt at his house and I was still wearing his T shirt with my shorts I sooo don't look like I'm doing a walk of shame buying a plan b. I paid for the pill and I made my way home.. 

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