Stress Baking

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"Hey Michael!" Peter called running over to the fallen nation.

"Yeah?" He asked, annoyed and hiding his emotions.

"Where's Mr Alfred?" He asked. "Dad and Uncle Maple and Uncle Bell are working out a few things" Vermont interjected.

"Aww" Peter whined, "There's nothing to do and Mr Alfred is always able to think up something."

"Ya know what? Grab the other micros and head to the kitchen. We're gonna make enough sugar to get you on a sugar high for a week, y'all need some sugar to keep ya awake. It's what? Midnight for ya?" The Texas concluded.
Peter smiled at that conclusion, "I'll get them!" He cheered and ran off.

"Are we really?" Valentine asked.  "I need to stress bake" Austin stated bluntly as his younger siblings eyes drifted to his shaking hands. "Okay" Micheal stated, don't fight the stress baking it was one of the heatiest coping methods Austin had.

Soon enough Peter had Wy(Wendy), Seborga(Romeo), Landonia(--), Kugelmugel(Ehren) and, surprisingly, Lichenstine (Elise) and Latvia(Raivis).

(On a note I need a name for Landonia)

"Howdy" Austin said shotly climbing onto the counter on his knees trying to reach the mixing bowls.
"Welcome to 'wo mildly stressed 'eens and one very stressed 'een baking" Valentine laughed although the stress was very prominent in her voice.

"Hello!" Peter smiled hopping up on a stool to watch.
"Hello" Wendy greeted climbing onto the stool next to the sealander.
"Ciao!" Romeo smiled getting a slight smile from the texan.
Landonia just grumbled and sat on the other side of Peter.
"Can we decorate some of the sweets?" Ehren asked looking to Valentine for an answer knowing not to bother the stress cooker. "Hopefully" Valen smiled.
"You are?" Valentine asked looking at the two nations.

"Oh! I'm Litchenstine, or um Elise" The girl said her voice soft, but Valentine was all too used to soft voices and heard her perfectly.
"I'm um, Latvia or just Raivis" The boy said quietly. Both got a lazy salut from Austin and a wave from Micheal as he ducked away from Austin.

"I'm Valentine, or Vermont. The much smaller land of maple syrup and flannel shirts" Valentine laughed, "The cowboy over there is my older brother, Austin. He's the republic of Texas witch has been dead for a while. Then Molo, our resident drama queen"
"HEY!" He shouted jokenly offended. "You have proven my point my dear baby brother" Valentine laughed getting a light punch on the arm from the desert micronation.

They settled down and watched republic work his baking magic. "Wash your hands" The oldest command and the micros + some followed the order. Austin sat a few cookie sheets in front of where they were sitting and then the bowl of cookie batter.

"Cookie the sheets" Austin said then went about making more.

"Why so much?" Elise asked

"I'm stress baking, let me have this. It's the healthiest coping method I can do right now" Austin said his hands still shaking. Both young nations nodded, not really understanding but they got sweets so it's all good.

They time ticked by and Austin just baked, chocolate chip cookies, Sugar cookies for Kugel to frost, and brownies.

"What's happening in here?" Switzerland asked walking into the kitchen to the smell of all things sweet and delicious.

"Stress baking" The three Americans said in a chorus.
"I see" He muttered.

"Hello big brother" Elise smiled. "Hello Elise" He greeted sitting next to his sister.

Kugel was happily decorate sugar cookies and frosting on their face and their bangs held back with a headband.

"You're Valentine and Austin, Yes?" Switzerland asked.
    "Once republic now state of Vermont Personification Valentine at your service. And yeah, 'public's name is Austin" Valentine introduced.

"Who's older?" He asked eyeing the long haired teen.
    "Been around a while, maybe really late 1500's? I know I was around a long while before Tio Espana found me" Austin said thinking.

"Aussie is older" Valentine stated watching Austin stir the batter to the newest sweet.
    "And he's stress baking?" Switzerland pressed.

"Look you're probably going to find out that war has permanently screwed my head up in 50 different ways, baking is the only method for me to channel my pent up rage while we're here. Enjoy the results of my bad mental health" Austin said, his voice showing he was probably close to losing it but Valentine seemed okay with it.

"Chill down Aust, The worst to happen is you having a breakdown and we have to lock you in your bedroom with dad until you stop crying" Micheal sighed, it was incredibly rare but he's seen the texan break down once. But he was young and didn't remember it well but he had siblings that liked to talk.

"Eh, that and i could punch out a wall but yeah. The largest extend is a breakdown" Austin shrugged.

"You're very... open" Raivis commented.

"No point in hiding it, no one can use it against me if everyone knows it" Austin shrugged.

"What happened to make your brain so messed up?" Wendy asked before biting into a cookie. Once Austin started talking it was always a rollercoaster of what the heck.

"War" Austin said shortly, "I was seven dammit that's going to mess with every seven year old's Head not to mention I was thrown into country work while trying to get my country out of debt." Austin's rant continued as he baked with the micronations plus three listening to his long winded rant about debt and somehow ended up talking about his pets. How was a mystery no one could solve.

"What's happening in here?" Hungary asked her hands on her hips.

"I'm stressed so I'm baking until my only concern is making the food perfect" Austin explained.

"Why are you stressed?" Hungary asked looking for the root of the problem.

"We are stuck in a house reading our darkest secrets. TAKE A GUESS " Austin exclaimed making a few of them jump.

"Oh my god you have emotions" Micheal gasped slightly but emotion void of his voice. Austin set down the bowl before he fell over laughing. It was like Alfred's but a lot more joy in it.

"Oh my god I do!"  Family, that's what came to Elizabeta's mind. These three behaved like family, like humans but much more terrifying. Once Austin came down from his laughing fit, as well as his siblings that had joined in,  Elizabeta spoke again. "Well then, we are starting to read again. How about we bring some of this out there to eat while we read?"

"Sure, just let me finish up" Austin sighed rubbing his sides in pain. The micronations put different sweets that Austin had made and put them on a cart that Romeo roll out while Austin and Valentine cleaned up.

"Ve~ who-a made these?" Feliciano smiled eating a cookie.
"Austin!" Peter interjected leaning across the table to grab a cookie.
A series of thanks yous while Austin just shoved his cowboy hat to hide his face as he walked to his seat and promptly hid under the table.

"Daww Aussie wassie is SHOOT" Valentine screeched and jump up sitting on the back of Alfred's chair. "Dammit Aussie!" "Silence you winter a-hole!" "You challenge me you damn sun burnt piece of toast" In intense stare between the two siblings. Vermont on the back of the chair and Texas under the table with the table cloth on his head.

Before anyone else knew it both where wrestling on the ground rolling over each other with surprising skill. The nations shouted but none moved to stop them.

A sharp whistle made both stop, Austin however already had won with Vermont tapping out.

"Yeah?" Valentine asked out of breath, "Also, you play dirty" She accused. "Look at my track record and tell me when I haven't" Austin grinned.

"Just sit down" Ludwig sighed. Both frowned and looked to the Alfred.

"Sit down you too, Austin wins since Valen tapped out now stop trying to strangle your sister." Alfred instructed. Both got up with Austin helping Valen to her feet and Valen putting Austin's hat back on his head. Both sat down with a smile.

"It's not right to hit a woman" England growled.
    "I've done worse Iggy" Austin laughed sitting on the right armrest of Alfred's chair with Vermont on the left and Micheal practically sitting on the American. Alfred seemed to love it however.
"Who's reading?" Hungary asked.

"I will" Elise stated as the book was handed to her.

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