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"Alfred" Jackson said sternly cutting Alfred off from his mother hen rant.

"You didn't remember a damn thing, I wasn't worth it." Jackson said with a sad smile, "You already built up your life and you didn't need another stress in your life Alfie"

Matthew remained silent his eyes still fixed on where the memory Jackson once stood with Matthias.

"Jackson." He said just above a whisper.

"Yeah Mattie?" Jackson replied.

"Why don't we remember?"

Jackson thought for a moment, "My only guess is a sort of forbidden magic, a memory whipper or something like that. Or a memory lock. But those aren't exactly banned it used right. But it also turned you back to tots so I don't know. Maybe a regression type of thing, I specialize in voodoo not that thing." Jackson shrugged.

"What did you do to me then?" Diego asked stepping up.

"I didn't erase your memories, I just made it where do didn't think about me until you met me again, even then your head already forgot what I did with ya and Aussie was a baby he didn't remember anything to begin with." Jackson said, "It's an easier spell that i've actually used a lot on Eyebrows here and Allistor"

"Wait, why me?" He asked looking at the blonde.

"You caught me a few times when Al was a colony when I was sneaking in or out. Same with eyebrows." Jackson said shrugging.

"Why did you want no one to know you exist?" Kiku asked now very curious.

"I was then the brother's war happen' and bein' the south us personified you can see why that wouldn't be a very bright idea" Jackson said giving a pointed look.

"Brother's war?" Ivan asked tilting his head.

"American civil war, it's called the brother's war since that's what it was. Should be called "The south personified said this was a terrible idea but let's ignore him and try and attack the union and get our fockin ass' handed to us"" Jackson told his voice.

"I wanted to murder every general in the damn military" Austin said with his voice sickenly sweet witch roughly translated to 'I DID kill amost every general in that damn military'.

"Don't change the subject Jackson, Austin please don't get involved in this right now" Alfred said with that Austin shut his mouth. He was always one to follow orders even if the 'orders' were simply suggestions and he only took them from people he saw as authority.

Alfred turned his attention back to his brother.

"Don't," Matthew said quietly, he pulled Alfred away and both sat down a little ways away from the group, far enough for the group so no one could hear them as they whispered back and forth.

Jackson sat a little ways away from the group in the opposite direction. Everyone stood in borderline silence. Well at least until a new scene came into play.

"Roma!" Antonio called as he ran threw the house.

"What do you-a want you tomato bastard." It was definitely Lovino, maybe around 11 to 12.

Antonio rounded into the living room where Lovino was pouting about having to clean up what little there was to clean.
"Could you watch Silvio? I have to go back to the new world to get Diego, He's done with what ever he needed to do so I have to go and get him. You know how fussy Silv gets on boats." Antonio pleaded keeling down to look Lovino in the eyes.

"Why can't you make the island bastard watch him?!" Lovino retorted crossing his arms.

"He's already almost dropped him twice, i'm not trusting Carlos to watch over Silv. I don't think any of us want to deal with Diego's furry if he comes back to Silv being bruised" Antonio said calmly. Loving thought for a moment, down at the child in question and then back up at Antonio.

"I want to teach him Italian" Lovino said abrupt.

"Alright, just don't let him forget Spainish, okay?" Antonio asked setting down Silvio.

"Fine!" Loving huffed.

The scene changed but the scenery stayed the same.

"Okay, stay right there and i'll give you a churro. Got it?" Lovino stated looking at the toddler that sat on the couch. The boy nodded. "Good" Lovino went about his chores.

The time seemed to speed up and the sun was at its peak and Silvio, well he had channeled his inner cat and had fallen asleep in the sun.

Lovino walked back into the living room broom in hand, "he actually didn't move" He said in minor shock. Lovino walked over to the toddler leaning his broom on the wall by the couch and went to the sun soaking toddler.

Most watched the scene in confusion. "Who's Silvio?" Peter asked hesitating with the name. Austin raised his hand and Lovino, Gilbert, Antonio and Toris pointed to Austin. There was strange stares before Austin sighed.

"Changed my name durin' my revolution, Full name is Austin Santiago Silvio Jones-Martinez," Austin said shrugging.

"That's long" Peter commented looking at Austin.

"That's why its just Austin S. Jones on paper, because I hate paper work and refuse to spend anymore time then necessary to write my name."

Lovino poked the toddler's cheek, "Wake up tiny bastard." Silvio didn't stir. Lovino walked to the kitchen and walked back with a tomato. He pushed to tomato to the toddler's mouth hopping it would wake up the toddler. It did.

Silvio's eyes opened a little then a little more, He reached up to grab the tomato sat up and ate it. His hands shook and it was hard to eat to tomato, Lovino sat on the couch, put Silvio on his lap and held the tomato for the shaky toddler.

Silvio happily ate not minding the help. Lovino however was thinking of different ways of teaching the toddler Italian, he was tired of Spainish and wanted another Italian speaker. Suddenly he had an idea.

"Silvio," The toddler turned to him whining that the italian took away his treat.

"Say Pomodoro"

"Pomodoro" the toddler repeated.

"This is a Pomodoro in Italian, and Tomate in Spanish"

"Tomate!" Silvio smiled.

"And what is it in Italian?"

"Pomodoro?" he said almost as an ask.

"What do you want?" Lovino asked pushing for the toddler to remember the word.

"Pomodoro" Silvio said more confidently.

"Good" Lovino stated letting Silvio eat his tomato.

"So is that how you learnt Italian?" Micheal asked looking at Austin, not reading anything in the aphnophere that was coming from his dad and uncles.

"Yup" Austin replied.

"S'ill know it?" Valentine asked looking at never remembering him speaking Italian.

"Sì, ma l'unica persona della nostra famiglia che parla italiano è Nixon" Austin said with a sweet southern smile, his Italian had a light Spainish accent but it was fluent.

"No clue what you said but I know Si means yes, so i'm taking that as a yes" Valentine said confidently making her siblings laugh.

"Ve~ I didn't know you did that fratello," Feliciano smiled.

"Shut up" Lovino grumbled.

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