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"England gets sea sick if at sea for too long" Vermont giggled thinking of the great and powerful England being sick at sea. Apparently quite a few thought it was funny.

"The micronations have known about Texas and Vermont for a very long time. They first learnt about Texas then Vermont." Vermont read trying to dial down her accent.

"You what?!" England demanded.

    "Nevada wouldn't let the micros meet Molo without someone in the family knowing them beside dad. So I ended up meeting them... with my lil' brother." Austin explained muttered the last part.

"France tried his best to remember things but he just has a very bad memory, thus sticky notes everywhere"

    "Oui, my office is covered with them..." Francis cofessed.
"Really frog? Is that really one of your darkest secrets?" England teased.
"Please leave it" France sighed.

"Japan likes sweet tea when he's in the us, mostly because it's an easy way to keep cool and have a refreshing drink"

"Really aru?" China asked.
"It's not bad" Japan shrugged.

"Oh god" Vermont muttered. "Tex, Uncle Bell, Dad, Molo. Family meeting. NOW" Vermont's voice was strong and not anything they were used to as Vermont grabbed America and practically dragged him out the others following. "Uncle maple you too!" Vermont yelled as she pounded down the hall. Matthew ran after them.

Once everyone was in the room vermont slammed down the book and locked the door.
"What's up Valentine?" Micheal asked taking off his sunglasses.

"This," the northern muttered picking up the book, "I'll read it."

"Dear diary,
I guess I'll start this off with something good. Got down to 87lb!  But it's not enough, they keep calling me fat though. It hurts. There's no way I can send Austin in my place until they stop.
Another thing, I can't feel anything on my arms anymore. No one has noticed, Jackie is starting to catch on... I think, but I don't know anymore. All I can hear is their voices and insults. I try so hard but they just don't see it. I'm I really a hero? I dont... I just want to be accepted for once in my life instead of being their personal punching bag. I'm just glad Mattie, Jackie and none of the kids realized i've been cutting. But it will be okay! I know it will... It has to be." Valentine concluding looking directly at her father.

    "Mattie, kids, Allie, stay here. I'll be right back" Jackson demanded. They nodded. "Alfie can you come with me for a moment?" Matthew asked, but it was a thinly veiled demand. Matthew grabbed Alfred by the arm and took him to the bathroom that was attached to the room.

Valentine, Micheal and Austin sat in the room. They all shifted to look between each other. Austin just sighed, he knew what they wanted even if they didn't say it. He opened his arms and Valentine settled herself on his right and Micheal on his left. Micheal just leaned on him, his head resting on Austin's shoulder.

He'd always been distant with Austin, but that was mostly Austin's fault.

Valentine laid her head on his shoulder facing him, "Do you think dad is... an-" She couldn't finish the sentence.

"I wouldn't doubt it, based on that entry... did dad even finish breakfast?" Micheal asked, his voice calmer and high pitched.

"He ate most of it I think, but he went to the bathroom afterward... do you think he's throwing it up like Alec did?" Austin asked thinking back to when Alec, or southern California, had to live with him while he recovered. It was mostly a blur but god was it exhausting, mostly because he had to handle all of Alec's paperwork which was for the entirety of California. But Alec recovered, that ment dad could.

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