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"That bloody git, he babies his kids to much" England scoffed.

"Ze ONLY time i've seen Austin be babied is when he's sick" Gilbert laughed.

"He treats them with love and cares about them deeply," Blaures stated firmly, "Do you have a problem with it?" She sent shivers down everyone's spine and shook their heads.

"Who all knew about Austin and Valentine?" Germany asked.

Blaures, Prussia, Romano, Denmark, Lithuania and Finland raised their hands. Spain shrugged, he knew Austin but not Valentine

"Wait, how do you know?" Matthais asked Tino.

"I deliver presents to everyone in the world," Tino smiled.

"Oh yeah" He said turning back to the others.

"Technically everyone who was at the meetings in the late 1830's" Matthew commented walking into the room.

"What happened then?" Russia asked.

"Tejas gained independence from Mexico is 1836 so attended the word meetings for close to 10 years then became a US state." Spain explained.

"How do you know that?" England asked.

"He's my nephew and I helped raise him" Antonio growled.

"It seems like you 'aven't talked to 'im in a long time by the way he has yet to talk to you" Francis commented. Antonio shrunk a little, Lovino was about to jump to defence when a knife logged itself in the wall just my Francis' head.

"Do not speak bad about my brother or his family" A heavy Russian accent growled. Everyone turned to see Russian America. Everyone shrunk under her threatening glare. "Now shut up" She demanded turned on her heel before speaking again, "Don't hurt my family." She walked away with Blarus following after her. They left the air tense.

"Who was that?" France asked looking alarmed.

"The territory of Alaska and everything before, her name is Rada" Matthew explained, "she's protective" He trailed off.

She left an aura of tension not even Falicino could withstand.

"I'm going to find Grandpa Rome" He declared and quickly walked out.

"Si," Lovino declared following his younger brother.

"I'm going to find Jackie" Matthew stated leaving the room just as fast as he arrived.

"Ja! I will find Alfred!!" Gilbert said quickly leaving.

"I should check on Peter" Tino said quickly and left with the rest of the nordics following after him.

"I'm going to find the Italys" Germany said and left swiftly not wanting to be there any longer.

"I'm checking on Austin" Toris said quietly and left dragging Latvia behind him.

"Goodbye" Ivan stated walking out.

They left England and France in silence.


Toris quietly pushed open the door watching for movement carefully. Latvia standing next to the door watching Toris for signs of fear.

The light reached over Micheal first, he had tossed of the sheets and had his head where his feet were supposed to be and clutched onto a pillow like it was the last thing he had.

Then the light reached Austin who had somehow had gotten most of Micheal's blankets and was happily asleep in a cocoon of blankets and pillows.

Toris sighed relieved that the duo haven't woken and shut the door. "They're still sleep" He sighed but he held a small smile.


"There you are" Gilbert muttered peeking into the room seeing Alfred on his bed. He slipped in and shut the door behind him.

"Gil?" Alfred's voice sounded broken, 'Today much have caught of him' the prussian thought.

"Ja, it's me" He said walking over to where Alfred lied with a pillow pulled over his eyes.

"Gil" Alfred said reaching out trying to find him without moving the pillow. Gilbert held back a laugh watching him. Gilbert lent down and picked up Alfred with ease, worryingly ease. The pillow fell on Alfred's eyes but his face was already buried into Gilbert's shoulder. Gilbert held him like he used to do with Ludwig when he fell asleep waiting for Gilbert to get home.

Gilbert was careful when he sat down on Alfred's bed and let Alfred hang onto him. Gilbert always thought of Alfred as a koala, he held on like one.

"It's ok Alfie," Gilbert reassured as Gilbird snuggled into Alfred's hair. He could feel his shirt getting wet under Alfred's quiet sobs.

Gilbert was far to used to seeing Alfred like this, ever since the boy' revolution Gilbert kept the boy close. Hell the F in the boy stood for his king, well one of them.

"It's ok Alfie, you're save with me" Gilbert whispered. Trying to calm him down but Gilbert more or less let him cry it out. Soon the sobs turned to whimpers then silence. Alfred was asleep. Gilbert moved to settle himself and Alfred under the blankets. It wasn't romantic, Gilbert had always seen Alfred as a little brother and Alfred was clingy.

"It's okay Alfred i'll stay with you" Gilbert sighed.

He remembered training Alfred and Jackson in their revolutionary war. Jackson was 17 and Alfred was 16. Gilbert threw a fit that their generals were letting a 16 and a 17 year old fight. He taught them to fight but kept them out of combat for the most part.

He remembered helping with Alfred's children and helping raise him.

He remembered a lot with Alfred and Jackson. He raised them more then England ever did. Not to mention England didn't even know Jackson existed.

"Oh there you two are" a small voice whispered. Gilbert looked up to see Matthew and Jackson. Gilbert waved to them and Gilbird gave a chirp. Jackson looked tired and flopped on the other side of the bed.

Matthew stared at Jackson for a moment before following suit. Jackson was at the foot of the bed already asleep. Matthew was next to him holding onto Alfred's hand as a way to keep him calm. Alfred was asleep on his chest out like a light.

Gilbert whipped away stray tears on Alfred's face and looked at the other two.

He was one country away for being completely surrounded by North Americans.

He ruffled Matthew's hair as Alfred gripped onto him. He pushed at Jackson with his foot making him calm down from what ever dream he was having.

"Ja, I'm awesome" Gilbert muttered tossing a spare blanket over Jackson before going back to keeping Alfred asleep and eventually falling asleep himself. 

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