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Austin sat in the kitchen quietly cooking away. He hummed along to a random toon in his head.

"Austin?" Micheal asked standing in the doorway, he was alone how strange.


"What does Valentine mean by you dying?" Micheal asked sitting at a stool.

"Oh, heh. Yeah, it wasn't my first time dying. Not my last" Austin laughed dryly.

"When was the first?" Micheal asked, he knew he was stepping into dangerous territory by asking. Austin stopped and thought a moment putting down what was grabbing. He sat on a stroll across from Molossia.
"You really want to know?" He asked quietly, Micheal could only guess what type of emotional barrier his brother was putting down to tell him this. He nodded.

"The last day of the siege of the Alamo, I was shot three times in the chest by enemy soldiers. I was taken off the wall and put in the church, they wrapped me in a blanket and hid me amongst the children."


Santiago, a dear older brother the little country had tressured for the few years he had with him. He however was a human.

Santiago slid down the ladder to the country who waited at the bottom.

"There's so many Austin" Santiago muttered, "there's no way we'll win."

Austin looked up at his brother and then the wall. Santiago was right, it seemed impossible but he gave a reassuring smile. "Do not worry Hermano, I've seen more impossible battles won" Austin said


The battle went on, and on, and on.

The dust thick and Austin couldn't keep track of time nor much of anything outside the wall. The siege felt like forever but thankfully the walls were tall and strong.

They both were sat on the wall, Austin was trying to spot anything behind the kicked up dust. Mexican troops couldn't have been taking a break. Maybe reforming their strategies? Santiago saw something Austin didn't, someone climbing the wall and was standing on it. Santiago made a decision and rushed at him screaming.

Santiago, a barely 16-year-old boy, fought for his life and lost, Austin reached for a gun aimed and fired killing the man in the head. He ran to his brother who had been thrown off the wall.

"Santiago!" He called landed on the ground next to him but Santiago didn't respond. Austin didn't understand, how could he? He was 7 years old mentally and physically.

"Don't worry Austin, we'll win." Santiago smiled dropping something in his hand. He died there. On the cold ground with his brother by him. Austin didn't understand, that's the day Davy Crocket had to explain to Austin how fragile human life was. The black-haired boy dug a deep hole and buried his brother taking the ribbon from his hair, a ribbon that he had since he was one of his father's beloved sons. He dropped it in the hole before he gently grabbed his dead brother and jumped down in the hole placing him down.

The hole was covered by midday. Austin said a prayer and threw the shovel over the wall hoping to hurt someone.

It was the end of day 5 of the siege and Austin just lie in the open. He hummed quietly an old Spanish lullaby as the stars started to show, Tio Antonio always said they shined brighter when he was around. He never understood, what made him so special?

Travis walked over to him and pulled him onto his feet.

"Go to bed" He commanded while brushing the dirt off his back and hair. Austin nodded and went to where his mother was, she had been in the state of grieving since Santiago died.

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