Chapter 04

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Wooseok went to work a little late, having the mindset that his job wasn't really a serious one. But upon reaching the office of his CEO's (and technically kind of his too)- office, he saw a file box and a black clipboard placed at his desk. Completely forgetting about Jinho's presence, he went to his desk to examine the said objects, skimming his fingers on it even until Jinho popped up in his mind, probably waiting to be greeted by the man.

"Good morning boss, I guess you left something for me?" Jinho was fiddling with his fingers, what was he feeling? Is he feeling nervous? Why? Jinho just has to say to Wooseok that he needs to do his job properly and that's it, but why was he suddenly fidgety? But maybe it's not with what he is about to say, maybe it's because of the tall man that is actually now fully in front of him. Jinho have jolted by the figure that he can see fully with both eyes, wet hair, Wooseok is fresh out of the shower. But Jinho had probably stared at him too long and he mentally cursed at himself for that. Get your shit together Jo Jinho!

"W-Well..." Jinho, a bit surprised at himself for stuttering had his eyes wide open but Wooseok seems to not give a damn, 'Why am I acting like this! Jinho, work properly!' Jinho coughed, to make an expression that the stutter he released earlier was because of a cough and not because he was nervous, why is he like this anyways?

"Mr. Jung, as much as you don't like doing paper work, I have given you a few files that will at least cover your 8 months- now 7 months here at the company. All future planned events and meetings are in those files, all you have to do is to remind me of my schedule. You're unused computer will finally be used. The InfoTech Department will be sending you alerts whenever there is a change of schedule for board meetings and such. Also my food menu is there just in case you don't go off buying the wrong thing and go back and fort and so-"

"Is your number there?" Wooseok suddenly asked. The question made Jinho pause a bit, taking a big inhale of air that he didn't know he needed, probably because he keeps talking. But a thought came up to mind, 'Is Wooseok lowkey asking for his number?' Jinho blushed a bit by that thought but pushed it away because he's probably asking it for business reasons, right? Right.

"Yes, a few of my personal info is there."

"Sweet." Sweet? Sweet? Wait- what does sweet mean? Jinho cleared his head a bit, deciding to just get over it.

"So Mr. Jung, what Im telling you is: do your work properly. I cant just have you here doing nothing... so yeah..." And the awkward silence have began. Both were for some reason quiet, looking at each other with their mouths zipped tight. 'Jeez, where did this atmosphere come from? Say something!'.

"I'll be off to the restroom, be right back." Jinho quickly said to the taller, fast walking to the door. But the feeling of someone following him made him a bit overwhelmed that he swiftly turned around just to be met with Wooseok's chest. He bumped his nose and it hurts, he whined from the impact.

"Tch- What is it-" As Jinho looked up, he was met with the intense gaze of Wooseok's. The same eyes shared the exact same energy that it radiated yesterday. Wooseok took a step closer, almost closing the gap between them. Jinho found himself in the same situation as yesterday, getting lured in again by Wooseok's doe-eyes. Wooseok was leaning in, and Jinho was about to do the same when Wooseok stopped and smirked.

"I'm really that handsome huh?" Wooseok was smirking like the douche he is. Jinho came back to his senses, cheeks a glowing red by getting flustered and embarrass. He scoffed at him and pushed him away forcefully.

U.R.A.Q.T [WooHo]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang