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The evening wind was blowing through the window, making the light curtains flow. It was night time, but the city was still full of people walking around and about. City lights bringing brightness in the dark as society do whatever they do. The same goes for Wooseok and Jinho, chilling at their sofa.

They moved out of Wooseok's old apartment, now living in a more comfortable and ideal one. Jinho couldn't really stand how small of a space his boyfriend was living in and there really needed to be a change. Now they are sitting next to each other in there modernize condo.

Wooseok was at his laptop, still having a little bit of coding to do before going to bed. Jinho was just patiently laying his head on Wooseok's shoulder, seeing all the numbers and letters all jumbled up here and there in the displayed screen. It hurts his eyes if he was being honest, he can't understand how Wooseok can see this as some sort of relaxation.

That was what Wooseok was keeping himself busy on, while Jinho on the other hand was busy trying to figure out what he wants o do with his life. Jinho took a lot of free courses in the internet, trying to see what he is good at. He has been doing a lot, and the range is really wide.

From baking lessons to digging deep into psychology, Jinho really had a crap ton of interests laid on the table. But is he good at any of those? No one really knows until they try, so Jinho just focuses on doing one thing to another. But what Wooseok recommended him, was singing. And Jinho was very unsure of that. He have done karaoke before but he wouldn't call it his great talent.

"You kidding? You have an amazing voice babe." Wooseok once said to him. He is sure that it would be nice but he has an identity to take care of, the name of the company was still sticking onto him and would probably never let go any time soon.

"Wooseokie, how do you even have the patience to be meddling with numbers and letters that don't even look like it's making sense?" He huffed, placing his chin at Wooseok's shoulder, looking up at him trying to get his attention. "I'm being serious, all I see is a jumbled mess that you smart people call a code."

It was a nice try from Jinho trying to make Wooseok look at him, but to no avail- he still had his eyes glued to the screen. But to make it more frustrating, is the small little smirk that was clearly taunting him. "Yah, Wooseok. Wooseokie! Why won't you notice your cute boyfriend? Are you trying to make me mad?" Jinho really doesn't mean half of what he said there, "I'm breaking up with you..."

"No you won't do that." Wooseok pouted, finally looking at Jinho. "You love me too much for you to leave me. You even left your company for me." He teased, showing a toothy grin. Jinho just glared at him, but he was right. What person in their right mind would leave a company for their beloved one? Well the answer was him. And he has no regrets.

"Whatever, just go back to doing your stupid codes." Even if his words were said in a very harsh way, and was pretty much meant to hurt the taller, what he says doesn't really match with his actions. He laid his head on Wooseok's shoulder once again, this time wrapping arms around Wooseok's.

Wooseok can completely see that Jinho is upset. But his sadness is no more, because he found a silly quote somewhere in the deepest depths of the internet that is sure to make Jinho's day. "Hyung, wanna hear something great to make you happy?"

Jinho raised a brow, but his curiosity won the best of him, so why not? "Shoot."

"So in the English alphabet, there are twenty letters-"

"Actually it's twenty six..."

"Oh yeah- you're right. I forgot the letters; U, R, A, Q, T." Wooseok focused his eyes on Jinho while wearing one of his infamous shit-eating-grin. He was speechless, he let go of Wooseok and slumped his back to the couch. He just laid there looking at nothing, but many things are running through his mind.

He can't believe the author of this story really made them go through all of this shit for a fucking pickup line that wasn't even that good. He was motionless but words still slipped out of his mouth. "I'm going to kill the author."

"You're going to kill who?"

"I said I'm going to kill you! Seriously, what kind of trashy pick up line was that? Is that literally all you got. For fuck's sake, this is just so fucking stupid. And you only even said five letters! You should've said like there are twenty one of them-"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. You're getting the D later."


Jinho changes his mind, maybe he's not going to kill the author. Which is good, because I would actually love to keep my life. A blush spread across his cheeks, not because he was mad just like earlier, but because the pickup line was actually pretty good.

The End :D


I hope this fanfic was able to make you guys feel lots of emotions, especially happiness! Thank you for reading this silly fanfic

ily~ 💜💕✨

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