Chapter 20

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It's been one hell of a lovely month. Jinho took Wooseok to a lot of small yet meaningful dates; from cafés to simply Jinho's house or Wooseok's apartment. Speaking of Wooseok's apartment, Jinho cleaned the whole damn area because of how messy the place was. It really took Wooseok a while to beg Jinho to just let his apartment be.

But there was a sad part in between these days they've spent together, and it's that Wooseok's desk gets cleaner little by little. Wooseok's personal belongings disappearing one by one as the time goes until the desk is completely voided of any traces of him. In Jinho's perspective, it was a bit heart wrenching seeing it so empty.

But it's going to be filled again, in his secretary's return.

And that return is today.

Wooseok was walking through the wide corridors, passing by every door that he have at least landed his eyes on during his quick trips up and down the building, it would probably be his last look on them. His feet lightly sinking in the carpets, just imagining the amount of steps he have taken around this perimeter alone saddens him just a tiny bit.

He looked outside the wide expanse of glass that shows a perfect view of the city, business as usual. It was a fine and beautiful day where clouds are splattered here and there, yet not a single one has managed to cover the bright star that we call the sun. For a day that is so beautiful, it sucks to be sad.

So he plastered a smile on his face, although he is leaving, he is quite satisfied of what he've turned out to be. He changed a lot in a short period of time just by being in this place, just by being with Jinho. His smile grew wider as the thought of him came to his head.

He's not gonna miss him.

Because he is fairly sure that they will not be separated from one another that easily. He trusts him, and so does Jinho. They are going to meet again after his departure from this place, they just need to have a little bit of patience.

The door to the CEO's office has come to view, and from the room itself, he hears chattering. Jinho is with his friends; Hui, and his now boyfriend- Shinwon, and the married couple with their healthy child. It was almost like a small reunion.

"Spill, why did you guys named your first child after me?"

Hyuna rolled her eyes at the man who was currently holding his baby. She had explained it once and she's sick of getting to explain it over and over again, "For the last time- she is not named after you! Right Hyojong?" She looked at her husband with a piercing glare.

Hyojong was pacing out, he doesn't know how to answer her because he might've had that idea in ming when they were getting to name their baby. Hui noticed the small gestures Hyojong would make when he knows he's done for. "Hyuna, I think he did the name on purpose." He snickers as the blond opposing him tensed up.

"W-What? No I didn't!" Hyuna's glare can truly burn a hole through Hyojong's thick skull if she really tried. "Dawnie is a liar~" Shinwon teased as he stood next to Hui. As far as he can see, Hyojong has no escape on this one and decided to tell the truth.

"Fine! Maybe I did..." If looks could kill, he'd be dead by the gaze of his own wife by now. Jinho wears a crooked grin, satisfied with what he heard. His pride have reached up to a bajillion points knowing that someone else's child would probably follow his footsteps. Hyuna feels the opposite, "Why? Hyojong, just why?"

"I have an explanation. First of all, Jinho is rich as f-" Hyuna had slapped his mouth shut before he could say such an awful word. Hyojong should really change his vocabulary if he's going to be a good father, so he rephrased what he said. "Jinho is rich as heck-" Before continuing, he scanned all of their faces to see any traces of disapproval for him to just zip it.

U.R.A.Q.T [WooHo]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz