Chapter 12

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Wooseok feels numb. Or to tell it more specifically, he doesn't feel at all. He's just empty, a void was eating him from the inside. He guesses this is what depression really feels like. Unemotional, unmotivated, un... etc. He even reached the point where he can't think of more words to describe what he feels.

But outside of Wooseok's head, it's just an ordinary day like any other day listed in the calendar. Jinho was acting fine, like nothing ever happened between the two of them. It was almost like they never even touched one another. This was all a lie, sadly. It just so turns out that Jinho is really good at acting.

Wooseok is sure that Jinho's cute smiles and sarcastic remarks that are directed towards him are just a mask to hide the truth. A truth that he doesn't want to talk about. Only if he knows what Wooseok feels. But in a way, he appreciate the other's efforts on trying to make everything seem normal.

"Wooseok?" A sweet yet concerned voice calls, only if it was true. Will he ever hear him moan his name again? He can still hear it sometimes, especially when he can't sleep. Jinho made him like this, can't sleep because thoughts of him always visit him from time to time. "Mr. Jung!"

Wooseok finally jolted back to reality, a crossed-armed Jinho standing at the front of his desk. He only realized now that he was zoning out, the reason being Jinho, but now he was in front of him. So close but so far. Fuck, he might be obsessed with someone he can't have, and damn isn't that just unhealthy, "Uh- Yeah what were you saying?"

Jinho blinked at him, "I haven't said anything yet..." he said to what seems like a lost man, which Wooseok is indeed one, a bit confused by the absent-minded behavior from the taller. "You've been staring out to space for a while," Jinho lied, Wooseok wasn't staring into space. He was vacantly looking at him for who knows how long. Of course he had the need to make Wooseok look somewhere else, his stare makes him squirm even to this day when he decided to forget about the thing and start over as friends at work.

"Just kinda wanted to snap you back to reality." Jinho finished, hoping it wasn't a dumb reason. Wooseok still had his eyes glued on him, Jinho still has to keep up with his act. He noticed subtle bags under Wooseok eyes. Something that he can use to start a conversation, "You have bags under your eyes, haven't you been sleeping well?"

Jinho's tone of voice makes Wooseok to want more. He's really deep into this hole, he can't get up. But he's bothered with it at the same time, how can he sound like he cares after letting him down. "Yeah, having some trouble sleeping." Because of you, is what he wanted to add. But he kept it to himself, knowing well that it would just make the two of them unhappy. Well, both of them are already unhappy, their just silent about it.

"How about you go get us some coffee?" His boss smiled at him. All Wooseok can do was smile back and agree, standing up from his seat. "So- the regular for you, huh?" He asked Jinho. Trying to keep a not-so-awkward conversation sustainable was a skill that both of them have formed from avoiding the many tensions.

"Actually, I think I want something sweeter."

'Then you can just have me'

It took an awful amount of time for Wooseok to realized that he said his thought out loud. The air around them almost felt so dense. They stayed standing still- feet glued to their respective spots, Wooseok pretty much fucked up in the most simplest way. Flirting with the person that most probably dumped you was a grade A mistake.

Jinho didn't really believed that he heard that, what was that suppose to mean? Is Wooseok flirting with him? Even after what happened? He feels happy and... scared? There was an uneasy feeling that he can't get off in his chest about the new information. And he's happy, because Wooseok still have feelings for him question mark? There were a lot of questions that are forming in his little complicated mind.

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