Chapter 19

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"Seriously, those guys..." Jinho sighed, he was in such a good mood and two weirdos flirting in his office just put it in a degree down. But there is a part of him that is quietly cheering for the possibly new couple that would bloom, it was long awaited after all.

He saw how Hui looked at the younger, his crush was obvious. Shinwon tho? As much as how expressive and genuine the guy is, you never truly know what he thinks deep down inside. The sound of Wooseok's laughter ticked him off from his thoughts, he just smiled at the cackling boy, taking his seat.

"Hyung, I like- never knew that Mr. Lee and Shinwon would be a thing... Wow." He voiced his thought as his own laughter died down. And suddenly, Wooseok gasped as he has a question he wants to ask. "How about us, hyung? Did you ever thought about us being a thing from the start?"

A small blush tinted his cheeks, well he did had a crush on him back then. But to be honest, he never really thought that they would end up being together. "Nope, never thought of it. Nuh-uh." He said bluntly, Wooseok let out an unsatisfied sigh. The taller really thought that Jinho was down for him from the beginning, it is true, Jinho's just stubborn to say it, really.

"Really? Like, not even a single thought?" He pouted. Jinho just shakes his head, his own stubbornness showing. "Well," Wooseok started, "I think Mr. Jo was really cute!" He exclaimed, making his way behind his hyung, placing both his hands on Jinho's shoulder. "You were so adorable yet fierce and all. But I really liked you."

This dick...

Jinho hid his reddening face behind his hands. Seriously, this kid can do things to him and he love-hate it. Wooseok leaned down to place a kiss on the shorter's head, lingering a bit longer to take a sniff of his hair. It smelled like menthol, he should already know this because they actually showered together earlier in the morning.

And hey- no they didn't do weird things in the morning, don't get the wrong idea.

More or so, Wooseok is a man of respect. Well, back then he wasn't but he changed just because. But the thought of doing something sensual with Jinho sticked to his mind, when was the last time they've do such things? His hand has mindlessly dropped down to Jinho's chest, fingers trying to caress what was under the clothes.

"Wooseok-ah, quit it. Not now." Jinho's voice broke him off his track. But his hand went in deeper to Jinho's waist. "What? Did I say something?" Wooseok said, acting dumb.

"No, but you are doing something." Jinho rolled his eyes as he grabs Wooseok's hand, placing it on top of his own head. His hair may look smooth but it was a bit frizzy than usual, maybe because they were rushing a bit knowing that their absence in the office lasting longer than a day would rise suspicions.

Jinho took a glance up at Wooseok, his hair seems to suffer the same way as his. Jinho shut his eyes as he ushers Wooseok's hand in a petting motion. "Pet my head while I take a quick nap, please..." Goddammit- the simplest things that Jinho does just crushes his insides into soft smushy things and he ain't complaining.

He slowly moved his hands, Jinho's hair getting smoothed as he does. It was quick to make the shorter drift off to be in his own peace, while Wooseok enjoys the tingly sensation that he feels as he combs the brown locks. It was all fine and peaceful until Jinho's phone rang, not even a minute or so passed and Jinho's mind was already in murder mode.

But seeing the familiar name to be displayed on the screen of his phone has ceased the burning sensation inside of him about tossing his phone into oblivion for disrupting his nap. It was his secretary who called, his actual friend. He felt giddy for a moment, a short rush of excitement going through his body. God, he missed her.

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