Sea of Love - Intrulogical -

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Remus' fingers carded through Logan's hair, his tentacles holding Logan close. Logan leaned into the creative side's touch, a faint smile on his face.

They were in Remus' castle, submerged in an ocean not far from Roman's. The sea was Remus' domain, and Logan had to admit, it was quite calmer here. And he loved it.

"So I was thinking of making a new type of monster! Maybe one to scare Patton or Roman and give Roman something to fight. Or! Or! Make a test so Patton can really see how good his morality really is! Just something fun but it'd be great to see him panic over his decisions, don't ya think?"

Logan hummed lightly. "I think the monster would be a good option. You'd also get a chance to be more creative."

Remus shrugged, gently tugging out the last knot from Logan's hair. They were both submerged in water yet neither were wet, and could still breathe perfectly. It was as if the water was just a second atmosphere.

Remus grabbed a comb to start brushing Logan's hair. If you had asked Logan if he'd agree to this a few months ago, he would have laughed at you. But after getting together with Remus, he'd do anything with him.

Quite literally, Logan reminded himself, looking back onto the first adventure Remus took him on.

"Hey, are you even listening at this point? Or did you just fall asleep?" Remus tapped his shoulder lightly. "If it's the second one, I'm impressed but also offended."

"Sorry," Logan carefully removed Remus' hands from his head and turned, wrapping his legs around Remus' waist. "I was just thinking."

"About what?" Remus set the comb down and instead pulled Logan close, removing his tentacles in favor of wrapping his arms around him.

Logan pressed a kiss to Remus' lips, hands moving to run through Remus' own hair. Remus grinned into the kiss, pressing closer to Logan. He was smiling a bit less when they pulled apart but he held back a pout in favor of Logan talking.

"That time in your forest, when we were exploring that one part that you claimed to have never looked around before." Remus' eyes lit up. "How it was the place you ended up confessing to me, and how stupid I realized I was for not noticing my own feelings."

Remus giggled lightly. "I thought I broke you when you started making those window error noises- I didn't think the others were telling the truth when they said that happens!"

Logan rolled his eyes, smiling fondly. "Yeah, and I thought you were lying because how could someone so absolutely amazing love someone like me?"

"Very easily," Remus hummed, pulling Logan into another kiss. "God, I loved you for so long. I still love you. I think I would have exploded going another day without saying anything."

Logan tilted his head, a smile growing on his face. "Did I just near you correctly? You say you love me?"

Remus' eyes widened and his cheeks flared red. "Shit! I meant- well- um." Remus huffed lightly. "You know what? Yes! Yes I do love you! No point in trying to deny it."

His arms loosened around Logan, expecting Logan to pull away and leave for good. Logan didn't, instead shuffling closer.

"Very well said." Logan whispered, and Remus could feel the blush growing on his own face to match the one appearing on Logan's. "I love you as well. I've known for some time about those feelings."

Remus visibly relaxed, head falling to rest in Logan's neck. Logan laughed lightly, holding Remus gently, his arms like a protective barrier. Remus nuzzled into him, placing a light kiss to Logan's neck.

"Now that that's out of the way, ready to help me make that creature and watch Roman have a heart attack?"

Logan chuckled. "Sure."

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