This Feeling - Pre-Intrulogical -

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Warnings : All unsympathetic sides aside from: Remus, Deceit, and Logan


Remus knew he'd screwed up as soon as the first word had left his mouth. They had mentioned something to do with tracing back Thomas's ancestors for fun, and Remus had chimed in that he had actually done it long ago and had jumped into all the different things that played a part in finding out about your ancestry. He was used to being able to take a topic proposed by someone and expanding on it as well, as it was something he and Deceit did whenever they were bored.

However, the look on everyone's faces were enough to silence him. He frowned, closing in on himself and began to fidget with his hands, keeping his gaze on the floor and biting his lip. Remus sunk out shortly after Virgil and Roman made some comment about the idea no longer being interesting, and Logan felt his heart drop.

He'd been listening to Remus with a mix of wonder and fascination, and a feeling he couldn't really quite place. But the way Remus so excitedly spoke reminded Logan of how he used to be.

And when the others diminished that excitement.

Once filming had finally concluded, Logan didn't go into his room. Instead, he rose up in the dark commons. Deceit had just rounded the corner to his room, and thus didn't notice Logan. But Remus, from his spot upside down on the couch, certainly did.

He frowned as Logan approached, turning so he was lying on the couch instead. "You come here to tell me how stupid I am for rambling on earlier?" Logan shook his head quickly, and Remus seemed suspicious, but patted the space in front of him. "Alright then, what are you here for?"

Logan sat where Remus indicated and looked down at the usually rambunctious side. "I wanted to hear more, actually. Or, if you'd rather not talk about the ancestry stuff again because of what happened earlier, is there anything else you know a lot about?"

Remus stared up at Logan, many emotions flickering across his face all at once, so fast that Logan couldn't take them all in. "You... you really want to hear?" He sounded skeptical, and perhaps a bit bewildered. Logan nodded, smiling gently.

Remus seemed to brighten, and he leaped from the couch. "Don't move! I'll be right back, and you can choose a topic from my notebook!" Remus squealed happily slightly as he dashed to his room, leaving Logan there to watch his retreat.

That's when Logan pinpointed his feeling from earlier, and it made his thoughts quiet to a low buzz at the mere idea. Attraction.

When Remus returned a few moments later, Logan realized that maybe the feeling could stay as he flipped through the notebook, pointing to the topic of 'Sharks'. However, Logan didn't have much time to dwell on his new discovery as he listened to Remus begin to list off all things fascinating he'd learned about sharks.

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