This is Home - Platonic!Anxceit -

462 16 1

Warnings : Unsympathetic Patton; Sympathetic Virgil and Deceit; Implied beating; just ask if you wish for me to add anything else!


Tears pooled from Virgil's eyes as he knocked on the common door. It was the one that lead to the dark realm, the place where the "dark" sides resided. He took a shuddering breath, holding himself tightly as he waited and waited, careful to not brush against his arms too hard. He needn't worsen the bruises.

After what felt like a millennia, the door finally opened, Deceit shouting some sort of scolding to Remus, if Virgil had to guess. Then the side looked up at Virgil, frowning and tilting his head and Virgil couldn't stop; he just collapsed, the tears falling harder as Deceit helped him inside in almost a panic.

"Who the fuck hurt our Stormcloud?" Demanded Remus as soon as he caught sight of Virgil, clinging to Deceit and sobbing grossly. Deceit glared at him, pointing towards their rooms.

"Go sleep Remus or I swear to god I will tie you to that damn bed with chains!" Remus squeaked, before running off back to his room. Almost a week of no sleep wasn't doing Remus good, and just when Deceit had finally convinced him to sleep, Virgil came knocking.

Virgil felt him take a deep breath. "Virgil, honey, deep breaths okay? Can you do that for me?"

Virgil couldn't see, but he felt Deceit push him away slightly. He took Virgil's hand and placed it against his chest. "Copy my breathing if you can, and I'll take you through your breathing exercise, okay?" He felt himself nod, he felt dirty. A shuddering breath went past his trembling lips as he followed Deceit's instructions, the gentle counting and rise and fall of Deceit's chest the only things Virgil focused on.

Eventually, he'd calmed down. Eyes still blurry from tears, Virgil curled into Deceit's arms once they'd relocated to the couch. Deceit rubbed his back gently and Virgil couldn't help the small whimper, so soft but clearly noticed by Deceit. Deceit sat up, forcing Virgil up as well.

"Can you take off your jacket?" He asked, voice gentle and eyes sincere. Virgil hesitated. "I want to check for injuries."

He shook his head and Deceit frowned lightly. "Fine then." His arms wrapped more gently around Virgil, pulling him close. Virgil tucked his head under Deceit's chin. "I won't force you. But what happened?"

Virgil pressed himself closer despite the pain from his bruises. He took a deep breath, and was suddenly very aware that Deceit's hand was gently brushing through his hair.

"I... I may have angered Patton. By... By telling Thomas I was once a dark side." Deceit's hand never stilled as Virgil hid his face in Deceit's neck, eyes brimming with tears once again. "He um, he finally stopped repressing his emotions. At least his feelings about me."

"And so you came here?"

"It's home, right?"

Virgil laughed sadly, flinching. He pulled away from Deceit's soft embrace of his own accord this time. He unzipped his jacket and let it slide off, letting it get stuck around his elbows.

Virgil saw Deceit grip the edge of the couch tightly with a spare hand, knuckles turning a bright white. But his face remained neutral as he brought another hand to gently trace around each bruise.

"Oh V..." Deceit mumbled, his mask finally breaking and this look Virgil had never seen Deceit wear before appeared. "This is just..."


"That fits too."

"I know I haven't been the greatest. Nor even the most decent. But, will you please let me stay here? I don't... It's not safe if I stay with them, for me or Logan and Roman."

Deceit took another glance over Virgil's exposed arms and what bit of Virgil's chest he could see. His mind was made up. He helped Virgil slowly slide his jacket back up and zipped it once more.

"Of course."

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