Beloveds and Bears - Intrulogical -

230 11 7

Warnings: Minor blood mentions, injuries, lmk if I need to add anything else!

I swear this is mostly really fluffy Remus just has awful luck-


"Logan!" Remus yelped as Logan pressed a cloth to some of Remus's injuries. The cloth had disinfectant on it, Logan first needing to clean up Remus's cuts after cleaning most of the dirt from the rambunctious man as well. Remus hadn't protested much when Logan had solely been using water, but the medicine stung when pressed into open gashes and Logan may have accidentally pressed too hard.

"Sorry, " Logan mumbled, leaning forward to press a light kiss to the back of Remus's neck. Remus relaxed slightly. "I'll try to be more gentle, but really, you need to be more careful. One day one of these might get infected and there wouldn't be too much I could do. The nearest hospital is in the next town over."

Remus nodded, reaching out and grabbing one of their small couch pillows. He didn't hug it to his chest, a few cuts still needing to be stitched up, but he gripped it tight in his hands as Logan returned his attention to Remus's wounds.

This, sadly, wasn't an uncommon occurrence. Logan was all too used to finding his husband on their porch, near-dead after a rough day in the woods. He made a mental note to wash the blood off the porch in the morning when Remus rested. Remus liked going on adventures and also hunting, and while Logan appreciated the animals he would bring back, Remus had unfortunate luck and would often times run into more... Challenging creatures. Multiple bears this time, Logan guessed from Remus's injuries.

Every time Remus got hurt though, Logan was almost always there to help him inside and patch him up.

"You holding up?" Logan asked once he finished cleaning the claw marks running down Remus's back, and he reached for his thread and needle to stitch them closed. Remus took a deep breath.


"I'm almost done."

"I know." Logan didn't comment on Remus's head dropping to his chest as he began to stitch him up. "After you're done, can we just sleep?"

Logan smiled gently. "We need to eat, darling."

Remus groaned. "But I'm tired...."

"Then you can take a nap, while I prepare something, and after we eat then we can both go to bed and I can cuddle you. Deal?"

Remus nodded, losing his head up again and glancing around their little house, just trying not to concentrate on Logan working.


Remus had come close to getting Logan to cuddle him after wrapping bandages around Remus, carrying the reckless man to their room. Logan had laughed at Remus's attempt to trap Logan against him. But Logan easily escaped Remus's grasp, pressing a quick kiss to Remus's lips before disappearing out the door.

It didn't take long for Remus to drift to sleep, pillows and blankets placed specifically around him in certain ways to make sure he didn't move around too much. Remus was thankful for the warmth and softness they supplied, but his entire body still ached.

Right before slipping into unconsciousness, he made a mental note to never again go near a river he spots even one bear feeding in.

After what felt like minutes to Remus but had actually been a few hours, Logan gently woke Remus up with one of Remus's favorite soups after a long day. He helped Remus sit up slowly before settling on the edge of the bed himself.

Remus asked mostly about Logan's day, being pleased that his husband's had gone a lot better than his own. Logan was an author, and apparent had finished three more chapters of his current book.

He was happy that Logan had gotten farther, seeing the way Logan's face lit up in excitement as he told Remus what he had written about. Currently, Logan was writing a horror story, one of Remus's idea. And he'd finally gotten to one of his favorite scenes.

"I'll be right back," Logan said, taking Remus's empty bowl and getting off the bed. Remus watched him leave, heard the bowls being set into their little kitchen sink, and moments later Logan was back.

Remus grinned, making grabby hands at his husband. "Come on now, you owe me cuddles."

"I did not forget," Logan hummed, quickly changing into some pajamas. Remus lied back down carefully, letting Logan move the pillows and blankets around for a moment before finally settling into bed beside Remus.

The sun hadn't even set yet, but Remus still yawned, shifting to rest his head on Logan's shoulder. Logan's arm moved so Remus's head could rest on it, his other draping over Remus's waist.

"Once you're feeling better, how about we go to that dried up lake where we found that meteorite?" Logan whispered, maneuvering the arm that was under Remus's head around slightly so he could play with Remus's hair.

Remus melted as Logan's nails scraped lightly along his scalp, and pressed closer to his best ability. "That sounds nice." Remus's eyes drifted shut again. "But for right now I just want to sleep with you holding me."

Logan chuckled softly, and Remus felt Logan muzzle his cheek. "Alright darling. Sleep well." Before Remus could say anything, Logan leaned up slightly and pressed a gentle kiss to Remus's lips. Remus hummed lazily, one of his hands going to cradle Logan's face.

"You too," Remus mumbled, straining his neck slightly to kiss Logan one more time before settling into Logan's side. He sighed happily as Logan pressed closer, idly tracing shapes into Remus's hip.

He fell asleep again not long after, being held closely by his beloved.

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