To My Parents - Rem^2 -

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hhhhhugfyifew  this is short and very shitty but ah well-

Warnings : Violence mention, disapproval of spouse, idk really how to tag this uh..... just overall shitty parents, misgendering mention, Roman mentioned, please tell me if I need to add anything else!


Remus knew going to his fiancé's house for the holidays was a terrible idea, even telling Remy he doubted Remy's parents would like him. Remy said they could leave if it became too much, but he at least wanted them to meet Remus. Remy still wanted his parents to be a part of his family after they got married, after all.

Remy was hoping for a smooth week, one he could happily share with his fiancé and his family. He was really hoping to any divine being that may be out there that they'd love Remus just as much as Remy loved him.

Remy didn't want to have to get into an argument with his mom about his relationship, nor did he want her to scream that Remy shouldn't be around someone so dangerous after she learned of Remus's intrusive thoughts. He didn't mean to slap her, he really didn't. But it had just happened so quickly, and his mind was still reeling as he drove, Remus sitting almost deathly quiet in the passenger seat.


Remus had never sounded so small, so nervous. He'd only seen Remy so enraged twice before- the first time was with Remus's own parents when they kept misgendering Remus, the second time being when they had met up with Roman and his boyfriend and they got into a dispute over what were bad and good thoughts. It truly frightened Remus whenever Remy was sent into his silent anger.

"Remy, where are we going?"

"Just- somewhere far away from there." Remy took a deep breath, trying to relax his grip on the steering wheel. "I'm so sorry about all that, Remus. I really am," Remy whispered, glancing at Remus, who appeared paler than usual.

Remus just shook his head, sinking into the seat. "It's not your fault. Everyone thinks you should stay away from me, because I'm dangerous. Maybe they're right, maybe they're not. At this point, I'm used to hearing it." He also took a deep breath. "Besides, you're not the one who says all that bullshit, y'know? You shouldn't have to apologize."

Remy swallowed thickly, reaching over to rest a surprisingly gentle hand on Remus's thigh. "That doesn't change that I'm sorry. You knew it wouldn't be too good of an idea to come here, and I convinced you to come anyway." Remy didn't move his hand for the rest of the drive, which was relatively quiet.

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