Red Ribbons - Anaroceit -

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Virgil and Deceit were peacefully resting on the couch, curled up together in the early morning. The sun was just rising, and neither had been able to sleep for much longer so they had made some coffee and decided to cuddle while watching the sunrise through the mindpalace windows. It was all imaginary, of course, but still quite stunning.

The anxious side was mindlessly combing through Deceit's hair, getting rid of the knots in his curls with his fingers. Deceit was scrolling through his phone, one earbud in his ear as he listened to a playlist Virgil had created for him. Occasionally Virgil would lean forward and press a light kiss to the scales which littered the back of Deceit's neck, causing his boyfriend of about one year to flush a brilliant pink. Deceit didn't scold him, though, not caring that he was quickly becoming flustered by the light touches. With no one else up yet, the two could care less about their reputations.

Deceit glanced up when he heard the stairs' familiar creek. Virgil didn't move his hands from Deceit's hair, though did spare a moment to look at the side.

Roman barely even noticed them as he almost tripped on the last stair, stretching and yawning at the same time. It was quiet though, like a puppy, and he started humming a soft tune as he made his way into the kitchen.

"God, that was cute," Virgil mumbled, hiding his reddening face in the back of Deceit's neck. "Dee, why does Roman have to be so fucking cute so early in the morning?"

Deceit laughed gently. The two had discussed many times in the past about their growing fondness over the princely side. However, Virgil and Deceit were both cowards and excellent at keeping secrets, so they had yet to tell Roman. Anytime either of them tried, they ended up getting too flustered and chickened out.

"Cause it's Roman, Raindrop. Of course he's cute this early." Virgil groaned softly again, arms going around Deceit's waist and pulling him closer.

"We need to figure this whole thing out, Dee."

Deceit knew he was right. They spent far too much of their time gushing to one another about their crush on Roman, from his perfect and heart-melting voice to his soft-as-clouds hair. His kind eyes and warm, comforting smile.

"Let's try brainstorming later then, alright? I'm sure we can figure out something."

"How much later?" Virgil's voice dropped to a whisper as Roman walked out of the kitchen with some toast and coffee. Roman greeted them with a tired but soft smile, and they returned it with light "hey Roman"s.

"A bit after everyone's up and had breakfast," Deceit hummed, shifting a bit to get more comfortable. Virgil rested his chin on top of Deceit's head, feeling one of Deceit's hands rest atop of his own, drawing circles on the back of Virgil's hand.

Virgil sighed softly before nodding, nuzzling his face into Deceit's hair.



"Either of us have the confidence to do that, when neither of us can even stutter out the phrase that we like him? Plus, feels too insincere unless we write it ourselves."

"So no."


"Eh... I don't know. I used to only write edgy poems."

"Hm. Okay. No to that either."

Deceit crossed out another choice on the list. They had come up with as many things as they could to find the best way to ask Roman to join their relationship, or at least let him know how they both felt. He didn't have to join them, and neither Deceit or Virgil wanted to make Roman feel like he needed to. But it felt wrong, not at least letting Roman know.

"What's left of our list?"

"Ask him directly, bring him flowers and a note, love letters, get Patton to tell Roman, and... That's about it."

"We can't ask him directly, already tried that dozens of times before."

Another line of ink went through the neatly written phrase.

"What about the love letters?"

Deceit spun the pen in his fingers. "I think he would like them. Romantic, a bit old-fashioned though. And they would be very personal."

"Maybe we should use scrolls and quills then," Virgil joked, though he was a bit serious.

Deceit laughed lightly. "That could be fun. And seal them with bright red ribbons, the same shade of Roman's sash."

Virgil brushed his bangs out of his eyes, looking up into Deceit's heterochromatic ones. "So, we go with the love letters?"

Deceit's cheeks were turning a light red, but a bright smile appeared on his face. Virgil couldn't help returning it as Deceit nodded. "We go with the love letters."


Roman returned to his room one evening after a long day of editing an episode of Cartoon Therapy with Logan and going over Thomas's schedule, he was tired. He thought as soon as he reached his room, he'd crash immediately into his pillows and fall asleep. But something else caught his interest.

Two pieces of paper rolled up neatly and held together with red ribbon were placed on his bed. Confused, Roman sat down and picked them up, unraveling the first of what he quickly learned were letters. It was written in purple ink, and Roman felt like his heart would burst from his chest as he read.

His face was quickly turning a deep red as he finished reading the first letter, and Roman had to take a deep breath. It had been signed by Virgil. A confession. And by the gods, Roman was going to have a heart attack.

Once he somewhat composed himself, instead of bolting right out his door and straight to Virgil's room, Roman picked up the second letter. This one was written in black ink, though some words were written in gold and the handwriting was much more pristine. Any composure Roman had gained and any coherent thoughts were thrown out the window, and he was at a loss for words.

It was clear they had both poured their hearts, their souls, into these letters. And Roman was absolutely floored that he had gone so long without realizing their feelings. This had been going on for months, how had he not noticed?!

He shook his head and shoved himself to his feet. Both letters ended the same, a simple question that Roman was certain he had an answer to. His issue would be actually getting the word out.

Roman knocked on Virgil's door, a bit quieter than he'd normally knock, his mind still buzzing but no thoughts stayed. It took a moment, the time letting Roman build up a little confidence, and the door opened. Deceit was standing there, Virgil looking at the doorway to see who it was.

"Oh! Roman, um-"

"Yes." Roman watched as Deceit and Virgil exchanged a brief, confused look. "To your question. Yes..."

Their confusion morphed into relief, and Roman had never seen Virgil smile so brightly before. Deceit opened his arms and Roman gladly accepted the hug, burying his face into Deceit's shoulder. Arms wrapped around Roman on his other side, and Roman melted into their warmth.

"We love you, Roman." Deceit said softly, pressing a kiss to Roman's temple. Roman felt Virgil hum in agreement, and he only held onto them tighter.

"I love you guys, too."

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